PH question

What is the best and most effective way of lowering ph in a soil grow? Both plants are at around 7.4-7.6. I have both lime and soil acidifier (gypsum and sulfur) but have never used them before. They are in a 1 gallon and a 2 gallon pot of Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil.Please advise.


Well-Known Member
Yes lime causes the ph to go up. It is basic, causing ph to rise. It acts as a buffer to help correct the ph when the nutes added tend to lower ph.


Well-Known Member
Lime is too slow and acts best as a slow release long term buffer with Ca. Get some ph down and flush with 5.5 water to get your ph from 7.5 to 6.5.
went out and purchased the ph down, checked the plants for any other possible problems before I even started to mix it up and apply, found out they both sexed and are both FREAKIN MALES !!!!!!! This was a first time inside grow so I guess mother nature wanted to flip me the bird on this one.