pH problem in RDWC


Active Member
Is it possible to underfeed plants and if they are underfed does it make sense for the ppm to go up and the pH go down? I know if you overfeed them the ppm will shoot up and the ph will go down as they will drink more water than nutrients and the opposite if its underfed and the best to look for is ppm stability and ph going up means you are at the dot. But is it possible to underfeed so much that it lowers the pH and raises the ppm?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to underfeed plants and if they are underfed does it make sense for the ppm to go up and the pH go down? I know if you overfeed them the ppm will shoot up and the ph will go down as they will drink more water than nutrients and the opposite if its underfed and the best to look for is ppm stability and ph going up means you are at the dot. But is it possible to underfeed so much that it lowers the pH and raises the ppm?
Not in my experience. But you give few details as to age of the plant and so on.