PH / PPM Meter Problem / Question

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I have the Hanna Combo Gro Chek meter (model H1991404) which I purchased just over a month ago. This is a continuous read meter meant to be kept in the solution. I keep the cords clipped to the side of the reservoir so that the probe and electrode don’t slip all the way down into the solution.

It’s been working great until 2 days ago when the PPM started showing 0 in the display. I thought it was just out of calibration so I rinsed if off and recalibrated it. The first reading came out fine… then a few hours later I checked it again and the reading was again 0.

I’m trying to figure out what is wrong with this thing and there are 2 things that come to mind. I cleaned it about 2 weeks ago and I put both the EC PROBE and the PH Electrode into the cleaning solution for ½ hour before recalibrating. In reading the instruction manual again today I see it says to put the PH Electrode into the cleaning solution for ½ hour… but it doesn’t specifically say to put the EC Probe into the cleaning solution. Are you suppose to use the cleaning solution on the EC Probe …. Or did I screw up my meter by doing this?

Also, I’ve noticed that the EC Probe has a yellow substance coming out of the little holes on top of the plastic and around the cord where it connects to the probe. I don’t submerge the whole probe… HOWEVER…. The top does get a little wet from the mist created by the airstones. Is this the problem? Seems to me since it’s meant to be a continuous read meter is should be able to withstand a little moisture on top of the plastic.

I called Hanna…. They told me to contact the vendor I purchased it from. Wouldn’t you know it… they are closed today for the holiday and won’t be back until Tuesday.

Needless to say I’m pissed off to already be having problems with a meter I purchased just over a month ago!

I know this post is wordy… but can anyone shed some light on this for me?

BTW.. .The PH is reading just fine with no problems.

I’ve attached a couple of pictures.

1 – The meter
2 – The yellow on top of the plastic.



Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
LOL... once again a thread with many views and no answers.....

I guess I'm the ONLY one here using a meter that has had problems.... guess I have no option but to wing it until I can get the meter replaced.


da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
i dont think cleaning it would fuck it up so it just broke or thare is a reset that keep's reseting it.. check..
da plantDOC