Ph Penn took a shit


Well-Known Member
4.9? Not too long. Buy a drop kit. Take your solution, sample in the bottle. Add X number of drops and check the color. Very accurate and cheap.


Well got a new Penn and ph was lower than I thout 3.4 yea I no. So they were in that for 24 hours or more I'd say I got all new water and nuts in there now sucks changing 15 gal sistem I got to make that Easter anyhow now got ph 5.8 and all is running out of 5 / 2 look pretty bad and the others may be ok he'll the one it didn't show any sighn at all. I don't no if they will make it or not leaves are curled up and dried out real spotty the tops are looking ok where the main bud is forming and the little leaves guess a few days befor I just yank them. Thanks for the replys yall


Well-Known Member
if you use RO water, mix it half with tap water. it will give you a ph buffer and will hold its ph for longer. let the tap sit out for 24 hours plus if you are using microbes. if you arent using cal mag you should get some in there as well. Other than a resi change, try to not raise your ph more than .5 in 24 hours. if you add back pure RO water, give it a 100 ppm of cal/mg, or half/half tap to RO. otherwise you might see a significant ph drift.:leaf:


My tap water ph is 7.1 and has around 68ppm. Ty for the advice.the buffer solution I got will keep the peen in check lol and I didn't go with a cheap Penn this time o yea stay away from the yellow ph600 penns lol. Guess you get what u pay for. Anyways dangledo I checked on the girls around 5 befor the lights went out and they seem to be stable not any worse so keeping fingers x till morning. I have noticed the swing with the add backs it's funny you say about the cal/mg I have a post out asking of it and I sorta was left thinking I didn't need it, I may have just took them wrong my bad. I do have a young one in a solo cup was going to give her a bucket of her own but I may just hold off to see how this pans out, soil may be the only way for my lol. I do like the idea of playing with the big guns but maybe I'm just not smart enough for dwc:) I will be getting some cal/mg 2mor and if there is any other tricks I may need to no just hook me up. Any advise I take in sort out and use what's good so bring in the good stuff. Thanks again.


O and for all you out there reading this and wondering how I get thro life with my spelling it's worse than you no lol..


Well-Known Member
if you use RO water, mix it half with tap water. it will give you a ph buffer and will hold its ph for longer. let the tap sit out for 24 hours plus if you are using microbes. if you arent using cal mag you should get some in there as well. Other than a resi change, try to not raise your ph more than .5 in 24 hours. if you add back pure RO water, give it a 100 ppm of cal/mg, or half/half tap to RO. otherwise you might see a significant ph drift.:leaf:
Thanks I didn't think about this, I probably should just stop using RO all together with my well water being about 6.8 ph and 120 - 150 PPM no filters or anything. I just started with the RO and have been afraid to change. After RO my ppm is 0 -1 PH is still 6.8 range.



Well-Known Member
My tap water ph is 7.1 and has around 68ppm. Ty for the advice.the buffer solution I got will keep the peen in check lol and I didn't go with a cheap Penn this time o yea stay away from the yellow ph600 penns lol. Guess you get what u pay for. Anyways dangledo I checked on the girls around 5 befor the lights went out and they seem to be stable not any worse so keeping fingers x till morning. I have noticed the swing with the add backs it's funny you say about the cal/mg I have a post out asking of it and I sorta was left thinking I didn't need it, I may have just took them wrong my bad. I do have a young one in a solo cup was going to give her a bucket of her own but I may just hold off to see how this pans out, soil may be the only way for my lol. I do like the idea of playing with the big guns but maybe I'm just not smart enough for dwc:) I will be getting some cal/mg 2mor and if there is any other tricks I may need to no just hook me up. Any advise I take in sort out and use what's good so bring in the good stuff. Thanks again.

I assumed you were growing dwc? if so, dont give up yet. its the easiest of active hydroponics. besides the basics of dwc. water, air, and nutrients, this thread was the most help, and has solved many of problems for a lot of growers. from diseases, to nutrients, to ph this thread has a lot of great info.


Thanks I didn't think about this, I probably should just stop using RO all together with my well water being about 6.8 ph and 120 - 150 PPM no filters or anything. I just started with the RO and have been afraid to change. After RO my ppm is 0 -1 PH is still 6.8 range.

unfilterd well water shouldnt be used in dwc. it may contain organisims from algea to water molds. (root rot, slime, diatoms) that are especially bad in dwc. even tap water used should be of good quality(filtered at the water plant). good info on thread page above.:leaf:


Bubble kink sry if the name bothers you I had tried like 6 and nothing was working I do have another name on here but It was from like 08 and I can't rem the name let on a password or even the email I used back then lol. But anyways the the name came from some rage sry to anyone and all afended no pun intended.


Dangledo I am in dwc with 7 girls 5 in 15g rubbermad and 2 in there own 5g buckets. I also have one i just put in 3G pot ffof 2day and put her back into 24 lights now that she is showing sex. I have 2 others in soil under12/12 one will be pulled next week and the other in like 2 1/2 weeks or so. The 7 in dwc are all sexes and went from ffof to 3" net pots and dropped them in. They were 12/12 from seed.


I do run my well water throu a filter system not that I beleave it's bad to drink I'm not one to worry much on that but my wife says it tast better.I beleave it's a wo thing in women lol. That is a good read tho thank for the link. Just to update all the girls that sat in 3.4 ph for more than 24 hours are pulling thro some have some bad fan leaves but new groth overnight looks ok.


I can't say ur well water is bad bleedsgreen that sounds pretty good for water I no ppl that have 7.1ph and 230ppm they just add noots and ph it. But they also have to deal with the ph swing they get over night.


Well-Known Member
Assniga,when you said
  • " I don't no if they will make it or not leaves are curled up" Were the outer edges of the leaf curling under & the tip curling in? Thanks Peace
