PH or magnesium deficiancy

Hello everyone. First off I have been growing for a year now and wouldnt you know it I don't know everything about growing. Go figure.
I recently got a tall boy water filter for xmas and installed in my new grow room. That's the only new componant in my grow system.
I am having yellowing in most of my plants. Green veins bright yellow leaves. The filter is not reverse osmosis. I have been PH'n my water at 6.0 in soil. I'm thinking that according to the info that I have read it could be a magnesiun def. But I also know that if my PH is off it can screw everything up. The reason it is confusing to me is that this is my 7th grow and I have never had this problem before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanx for the charts those will be helpful. Does anyone think I'm on the right track? I'm feelin kinda stupid this being my 8th go round and all.


Active Member
Never ask for rep... makes u look like a beggar.
Maybe I am...? Your name, pic, and comment make you seem like a douchebag. Who's worse off? :P
But thanks for the useful tip. :D

Magnesium deficiency doesn't seem to cause yellowing. Considering the yellowing and slight crisp tips, - My first GUESS is zinc and second I'd say Sulfur