Ph meters Which is the best

Hi guys I bought a ph meter the other day (p1) but dont know whether to trust its results and get a digital 1. (p2)
I wouldnt be able to buy an expensive on but I saw this the other day that does soil and water.
Im connsidering buyin it as It would work out cheaper inn the long run than buyin water ph testing kits over and over. The cheapness puts me off though as it could be really inaccurate.
Does any1 have any experiene with the lower end of digital ph meters or could you tell me any useful info about similar products?

trichlone fiend

New Member
...the first (green one) is no count at all, complete garbage IMO. The second one I cannot speak on, however, I have 3 of the most respected electronic ph meters outthere...and I find myself mostly depending on my General Hydroponics liquid ph test kit. Sure, I have used electronic meters until I'm blue in the face, but I always double check with my liquid ph test kit and it has saved my ass several times. The electronic meters have a tendency to swing out of wack quickly and require constant calibration with solutions 4.0 and 7.0...also, you'll need storing solutions for the probe. Good luck.
Tnx 4 that I thught that one would be garbage.
The thing s I have water & sol solution testing kits my soil one is useless and the only one I can fnd remotely near here.
The waer ones are nearly 10gpb round here and you only get a few tests worth of solution .
So I may buy the diggi thing and one or two of those solution based ones every so often to check callibration etc doing water should be easy enough to tell as its always 7.5 here.
Mayb Ill use the solutin one when adding nuts etc. Just paranoid at spending 35gbp on crap


Well-Known Member
the 2nd one is really good but u need 2 buffers to keep it accurate 4.0 and 7.0 . the first 1 is crap and liquid ph test kits are the best and they are good for comparing the digital to see if there in check


Well-Known Member
Il second the opinion that the one in the first pic is rubbish. Worked alright for the moisture (at least I cant prove it didnt), but the ph is way off. Ended up buying a bottle of ph liquid and it proved that the tool thing was up to 1.5 points on the scale out, so ph of 8.5 was coming out at 7.

My advice, get the liquid and test tube kit.


Well-Known Member
I have gone through 4 cheap meters in a year. Spent more than the cost of a decent one. HM digital makes a nice ph meter, waterproof. Been dropped a few times still works fine almost 6 months later. Meter was 70 bucks I think. Well worth it.