PH ? for potted plants in soil


Active Member
Hi all! Im currently growing some Sour Diesel beauties in FFOF. They are showing signs of ph problems so I tested the run off and sure enough they are low about 5.5 avg. My question is can I raise the ph by simply watering with higher ph water? Slowly or just spike it with like an 8.0 ph? Thanks in advance!!!


Active Member
Flush it with 3 times your pot size in water.. ie 1 gal pot 3 gal water. or check your runoff after each gal or two and when you are happy with it stop :)


Active Member
Add "Finely granulated dolomite lime" to your soil mix..

It will keep your ph in check throughout your grow :)
Do you put that in your fox farms soils also Closet? I havent finished your journal yet, but I saw you had used it at some point.


Well-Known Member
I dont use fox farm soils..

When I grow from soil, I use a special soil mixture that i buy at a hydro shop here in town.. its name "special soil mixture" seriously. hahaha!

Then i add the finely granulated Dolomite lime to theat mixture :)


Well-Known Member
are you testing ph of water and nutes before you add them or just after

after would not be as important if you do before

i ph everthing beforeo to about 6.5 i have never phd runoff and i use same soil as you

never had a problem

good luck 1 love