PG&E Stopped by to read the meters!?


Well-Known Member
Ok I am freaking out right now!!!!!! Pg&E just sent a guy to check my meters on the side of my house. I have been here for a few months and this has never happened before. I started my grow room probably about 6 days ago and have been running a 400w mh for 18/6 in my garage with a 171cfm fan. Could that have popped up and got them curious???? WTF???????


Well-Known Member
norm a guy comes once a month to check the meters/do a reading.. i know i just got a notice the other day they are upgrading the meters. could have something to do with that.. i wouldnt freak tho personally.. if they ask, say you run a small computer server that is on a timer... 400 watt light = a normal pc tower.. seriously tho, i wouldnt stress out quite yet..


Active Member
i dont think you have the stomache for this? haha its normal for an electric meter reader to come out else would they know how much electric you use in your home


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's not the first time they have come to read your meter, just the first time you noticed. That probably has to do with being a little paranoid. My parents have a nice middle class house, with central ac. My dad has a window unit that cools the garage when he's working out there. The ac unit uses about 1100 watts of power. My point is the electric company can't go fishing around everytime an extra 600 watts of power shows up at your house. Be safe and good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
I thought it was sent to their system or something. I've got the stomach for it but not when I have a guy come to my house to check my meters when I thought he was investigating. I'm young, I didn't know they came on a monthly basis. If anything I'm going to say a space heater cause those take up a shit load of power. Now that I know they come to check every month, I'm not sweatin about it. That was scary though... lol. Thanks guys for the info!


New Member
lol dont give him a hard time damn.. I'd be scared too lol..The main reason I dont/cant grow is because im scared of getting caught. Plain and simple.. There I said it.. Just because most of you guys have been growin for yrs ( and prolly legal ) doesnt mean that you have to forget how it felt the first time you grew.There is alot of unknowns for the first timer ( OK im just speculating because I dont grow ) that could have consequences that could either be nothing or something terrible.. But never having been down that road before, one doesnt know if that big curve in the road ahead leads off of a cliff or to an all female nudist camp for swimsuit models .. I dont blame him for pulling the car over and asking for directions.. Like the saying goes .. YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO CAREFUL..

Stay Up Bro and GL!


Well-Known Member
My two 600s are a blip in my total electric bill. My TV and music setup is 1600 watts easy, I have 4 desktops and two laptops, never mind household lighting! That guy is just writing numbers down. You don't have to worry about it. Just pay your bill on time.:leaf::leaf::leaf:


New Member
keep in mind though just because a pc has a 400W PSU doesnt mean it uses 400W.. Most PSU's NEVER reach 80% of there rated output even during the most intense tasks.. Im just saying, just because your electric devices say "400W" or w/e doesnt mean it actually uses that much at any given time or even at all..


Well-Known Member
How about a maintenance guy coming to change the bulb on your buildings second story outdoor security light with his face within a foot of the stealth exhaust outlet from your grow room. Good thing the lights weren't on yet and the exhaust fan was off, had I had a different lighting schedule, my maintenance dude would have gotten a face full of sweet aroma, and I would have been screwed. Good thing he could never tell which unit it was coming from. I might have had to bribe his ass. (hes a stoner I can tell)

old pothead

Well-Known Member
We have the new self reading meters also,that send the reading to the company.They still come out a couple times a year and read the meter.OPH


New Member
How about a maintenance guy coming to change the bulb on your buildings second story outdoor security light with his face within a foot of the stealth exhaust outlet from your grow room. Good thing the lights weren't on yet and the exhaust fan was off, had I had a different lighting schedule, my maintenance dude would have gotten a face full of sweet aroma, and I would have been screwed. Good thing he could never tell which unit it was coming from. I might have had to bribe his ass. (hes a stoner I can tell)

lol damn
