PETA The Discussion


New Member
I think the word humane should always have an * next to it. It's another narcissistic cleansing of our deeds. Humans are NOT humane...... maybe we should use lions to kill all of our cows for us...... killed in a Lione fashion. problem solved!!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Peta supports the euthanization of domestic animals IE. American Pit Bull Terrier, and urges businesses to make not only unrealistic, but audacious choices. They don't care about animals, they just want to get there names and faces in the media. They're a complete joke.


Active Member
I researched some of the main facts from Penn & Tellers Bullshit episode on PETA... Wow the facts and truths actually add up...
PETA the sick fucking organization is directly linked to Domestic Terrorist Groups: ELF *Earth Liberation Front* and ALF *Animal Liberation Front*


New Member
If people think their cause is just, they will justify the means eventually. This applies right on down the line from nazis (Hitler) to commies(Stalin, Pol Pot) to environmental activism (Peta, ELF, ALF, ET, Homer Simpson)


out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
We shouldn't block out what happens at those horrible factory farms but can there be a more humane way to do it?
By the way how the fuck did we get talking about breast milk?


Active Member
Not gonna lie but I have actually thought about joining PETA just because there are a lot of super hot vegan chicks... Then again how could you date a chick who doesn't eat meat!? haha!


Active Member
wow this is big, REALLY GOOD THREAD btw because animal rights are important but not as important as science. that P & T episode is a must watch.


Active Member
not to mention that animals are awesome friends and should be kept as pets, without meat we'd be dumb and weak, also we're all animals.


Active Member
Yeah I think its hilarious that people will say they won't eat meat no matter what... Shit if I was starving to death I would eat a person to survive if I had to.
The other thing I was wondering is how the hell do PETA members get enough protein? I started training again so taking in 200 grams of protein every day is required in my diet. I could not imagine doing that off of soy beans and veggies...


Well-Known Member
If you're on a vegetarian diet you have to be very careful about what you eat to stay healthy. Vitamin B12 deficiency is quite common. When teens become vegetarian it's of particular concern because they already tend to be picky eaters and so restricting their diet further could compromise their health.

I could go on for days on why I believe PETA is pathetic. I don't believe in causing animals to suffer unnecessarily and I agree with Hillbilly about using as much as possible of the animals that you kill. The idiots who kill a bear, take it's gall bladder for it's aphrodisiac properties and leave the rest of the carcass to rot deserve to die.

I watched an HBO documentary about PETA. The leader was neglected as a child and formed a strong bond with her dog instead. It seems that this neglect turned her into a media whore seeking everyone's attention.


Well-Known Member
PETA needs to get a life most peta chicks need a bath and some hygiene animal vegetable or mineral.

WTF do they have against soap and water?


New Member
Ice cream made from breast milk ? :spew: How are we the public to know that the owner if the breasts the milk came from didn't have AIDS, or Hep B, or any number of other diseases? That's just nasty.

I don't think being milked hurts the cows, in fact the opposite is true, if the cows aren't milked, the udders become painfully full, now that is cruelty.


Well-Known Member

Yeah, the bit about protesting in the nude and then complaining about men taking photos and seeing them as sex objects is annoying too. They're committing the offence of Public Nudity. They can't have it both ways, people will interpret their nudity as they damn well please. Enough already with the whining :roll:


New Member
I agree with you. If you're going to walk around naked, you've got to expect people to look at you and in this camera phone society, it's not a smart plan.

It reminds me of those goth's, they dress like freaks and then get mad if people stare at them. Well don't look like a freak and I won't stare.


Yeah, the bit about protesting in the nude and then complaining about men taking photos and seeing them as sex objects is annoying too. They're committing the offence of Public Nudity. They can't have it both ways, people will interpret their nudity as they damn well please. Enough already with the whining :roll: