Perpetual Scrog - Any Suggestions?

The Growery

Active Member
For the longest time I have been running a perpetual grow harvesting every 2 weeks using 4 hps lights and a veg room. I have struggled with increasing yields for a while as well, I can never seem to break 9 oz per harvest.

In an effort to increase yield I have decided to build a series of scrog nets. It seems to me that as long as the plant going into flower is large enough, the 2 weeks of veg growth at the beginning of the 12/12 cycle is plenty to weave the various nodes into the screen.

I have yet to harvest from a scrog but the initial results look promising.

Looking at my current setup, is there anything anyone would change based on your own personal experience with a scrog?


photo 5 (2).JPG photo 4 (6).JPG photo 3 (9).JPGphoto 1 (13).JPG

Below is a pic of how my crops used to look... messy!
photo 2 (12).JPG

This is a pic from my last harvest
photo 3 (6).JPG