Perpetual Harvest help!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm in the process of setting up my grow rooms and was wondering if a perpetual harvest can be achieved using the same reservoir in flowering. It will be a 48 bucket in a bucket flood and drain system but the problem here i think is going to be with the nutrient ppm and also flushing at the end of the cycle???! what are you thoughts and suggestions? can there be a average ppm i could use to achieve overall satisfaction for the plants? and how would i go about flushing my plants without hindering the growth of my newly introduced plants to the system?


Well-Known Member
Your vegetation and flowering periods should be using different ratios of nutrients, so because of that it would be best to have separate reservoirs containing the proper nutrient solutions for each stage. If you use only a single reservoir you will either burn the younger ones in veg, or not give enough nutrients to the flowering ones causing deficiencies and reduced yield, or a nitrogen abundance...The only thing really in common that should be used would be the PH of 5.8 and the micro/macronutrients.


Well-Known Member
my vegging and flowering will be seperate not only because of the nutrient ratio but also the lighting. I will have 48 buckets in flowering and each month i was going to add 24 plants. the problem at hand is the newly introduced plants and their older sisters in the flowering phase.. thank you for your input i need more!!!
p.s I have a cloner and a vegging aeroponic table outside the flowering tent!


Active Member
Yeah there's no real way around needing 2 reservoirs if you wanna
flush your plants before harvest in a perpetual harvest scenario.
I ended up running a smaller tray (e&f) of just water in my tent
to put my finishing plants to flush.

so I suppose you could run a few dwc water only single buckets
transfer plants over as they finish up.


Active Member
You should look into sog style growing, its what im staring to set up now. Im not sure what ppms to use since i dont do hydro but lets say your strain has an 8 week flower period. First you need your mother plants and youll take clones and put them directly into flower every 2 weeks, youll need 4 diff res tanks for your plants. By doing this after the first initial 8 weeks youll be cropping and putting more clones into flower every 2 weeks and then a little later youll have new buds being fully cured every 2 weeks.
No veg time will lower your yield initially but in this sog growing you can use smaller pots I would use 6" square pots. So at the cost of yield per plant you gain room for more plants and you cut off a month of veg time.
You can also use bigger pots and add veg time if you want to keep plant numbers down, but true sog aims for 1 cola per plant and no veg. Hope this helps :)


Active Member
perpetual harvest = SOG ( Sea of Green)

can be tailored to any time frame and

the idea is to harvest a few plants ( any number really)
every so often. you don't necessarily need that many
rez's to achieve that end. although with four rez's you
can harvest the super long sativas right along side
with the super short indica's if you time it right.

but yeah its a super awesome style


Well-Known Member
well technically a perpetual harvest would just be one that you can harvest from quite often...not necessarily just a SOG :)


Active Member
his schedule he proposes
is laid out exactly
like the one from the book

"Sea of Green"
by Hans

but yeah same point.


Well-Known Member
I think massah maybe right perpetual harvest can be achieved with any growing technique but I will be vegging for a full month not only because I will be cloning from my vegging plants instead of keeping mothers but also I want to enjoy a heavier yields from a longer veg time
i have a perpetual grow of 4 plants, i just harvested 4 and 4 more are 6 weeks from harvest with 3 more in seedling. But i go straight into 12/12 from seed.