penis envy pf tek


Well-Known Member
Yeah i am growing these mushies it's been 3 days and im starting to see some mycelium...Pics will go up once i get my camera back!!


Well-Known Member
if it gets cold up in your parts of the world, i would suggest you make a small incubator... realy speeds things up.
You can make one form a cooler box with an aquarium heater in a little water bottle...


Well-Known Member
just had some penis envy this weekend that my buddy grew, I didn't over do it because I've tripped too hard in the past, brain can't handle it, but this felt really good and mellow, and I didn't even eat a gram.


Well-Known Member
pic 7 is the only one that shows myccellium growth, very little of it. the other pics the vermaculite mix is wet and compacted so it makes gray blotches against the glass. Mycellium is white and grows extremely fast.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
What did FDD edit from that other post?

I wanna know!

Anyways, your shit looks like it was done on the up-and-up, but what do I know, never grew shrooms before...

Anyways, I noticed the title of that last post was "Update" so here's an update from the Tourette's Guy:



Well-Known Member
that terrets guy vid is old, but still funny as fuck and fdd took out a pic of a guy with about 50 knives stuck in him...


Well-Known Member
I grew some PE and my shrooms were mutated. Mutated as in stronger than normal species so I tripped killer balls. Definitely the best strain in my book.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I grew some PE and my shrooms were mutated. Mutated as in stronger than normal species so I tripped killer balls. Definitely the best strain in my book.
I think it would be funny, yes. A penis shaped mushroom... seriously, wtf?

When I first read about them I thought it was some type of joke/photoshop... but I soon learned different!