Penalities for Growing Shrums


Well-Known Member
psilocybin is a sceduel 1 controlled substance dumbass on a federal level. atleast in the usa. stop spreading gossip.

Schedule I doesn't mean it's a FELONY, as I've heard YOU claim it is.

Cannabis is a schedule I drug, too.

I've been charged with possession several times, and not once was it a felony.

You're the one spreading "gossip".

In the state I live in, psilocybin possession is not a felony. They must prove you "knowingly and willingly" possessed the drug. There's a HUGE loophole, as there are many types of mushrooms that look similar to psilocybin mushrooms.

How do I know? I read the fucking laws.

Get the fuck out of here.


Well-Known Member
psilocybin is a sceduel 1 controlled substance dumbass on a federal level. atleast in the usa. stop spreading gossip.

The more I read this, the more it fucking pisses me off.

How am I spreading gossip by saying that how much trouble you get in depends on where you live, your prior record, and how good an attorney you can afford?


Laws differ from state to state, and so do sentencing guidelines.

Some people get probation, others end up in jail.

Sometimes charges get DISMISSED, even!

Have you ever been charged with a crime or had any experience with the judicial system?

Can you definitively say that if someone was busted with possessing mushrooms, that they would get X amount of time in jail, or no time at all? NO, you fucking can't.

Like I said before, it depends on where you live, your prior record, whether you can afford a decent attorney.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Brazko
I didn't no it was illegal to do so, however, I doubt it could be any worse than Marijuana laws, here is a link to NORML

The Main thing to remember is pssssst...You're not selling or growing Any :idea:

LOL can't be bad as weed huh?
Yeah keep believing that, it's not taken nearly as lightly as weed there Bud.

What Are You Talking About? :confused: :dunce: :roll:


lol@ knowingly and willingly cannabiss is not a felony mushrooms are, what state do you live ion exactly? psyilocybin has no medical useage cannabiss does. teres a diffrence.


Well-Known Member
growing weed is a felony and growing mushrooms prob is too... i know in florida you can posess wild grown mushrooms legally... but here in the midwest its prob either a misdermeanor or felony to posess... what would be the charge to grow shrums? I still yet to find out.


[edit] United States

In the United States, possession of psilocybin-containing mushrooms is illegal because they contain the Schedule I drugs psilocin and psilocybin. Spores, however, which do not contain psychoactive chemicals, are only explicitly illegal in California, Idaho, and Georgia. How the legality of spores is defined varies from state to state, for example in California mushroom spores are legal to possess if they are not intended for use in cultivation and/or they are not imported from outside California.[20] The Florida Supreme Court in 1978 ruled that possession of wild psilocybin mushrooms is not illegal;[21] however, whether knowingly gathering wild psilocybin mushrooms for later use is illegal or not was not addressed in the decision.[22]
In all states, except New Mexico, growing psilocybin-containing mushrooms from spores is considered manufacture of a controlled substance.[21] In New Mexico, on June 15, 2005, the New Mexico appeals court ruled that growing psilocybin mushrooms for personal use is not manufacture of a controlled substance.[23][24]



Well-Known Member
[edit] United States

In the United States, possession of psilocybin-containing mushrooms is illegal because they contain the Schedule I drugs psilocin and psilocybin. Spores, however, which do not contain psychoactive chemicals, are only explicitly illegal in California, Idaho, and Georgia. How the legality of spores is defined varies from state to state, for example in California mushroom spores are legal to possess if they are not intended for use in cultivation and/or they are not imported from outside California.[20] The Florida Supreme Court in 1978 ruled that possession of wild psilocybin mushrooms is not illegal;[21] however, whether knowingly gathering wild psilocybin mushrooms for later use is illegal or not was not addressed in the decision.[22]
In all states, except New Mexico, growing psilocybin-containing mushrooms from spores is considered manufacture of a controlled substance.[21] In New Mexico, on June 15, 2005, the New Mexico appeals court ruled that growing psilocybin mushrooms for personal use is not manufacture of a controlled substance.[23][24]

Christ dude, is there a drug you haven't or currently don't use¿;-)


Well-Known Member
chittownsmoking... thats the same info i pulled up.. it explains alot in a just a paragraph... so how much time would i do if i was growing a 12cc syringe full of mushrooms?


chittownsmoking... thats the same info i pulled up.. it explains alot in a just a paragraph... so how much time would i do if i was growing a 12cc syringe full of mushrooms?

none if you dont get caught. keep ur mouth shut and be smart.;-)


Active Member
[edit] United States

In the United States, possession of psilocybin-containing mushrooms is illegal because they contain the Schedule I drugs psilocin and psilocybin. Spores, however, which do not contain psychoactive chemicals, are only explicitly illegal in California, Idaho, and Georgia. How the legality of spores is defined varies from state to state, for example in California mushroom spores are legal to possess if they are not intended for use in cultivation and/or they are not imported from outside California.[20] The Florida Supreme Court in 1978 ruled that possession of wild psilocybin mushrooms is not illegal;[21] however, whether knowingly gathering wild psilocybin mushrooms for later use is illegal or not was not addressed in the decision.[22]
In all states, except New Mexico, growing psilocybin-containing mushrooms from spores is considered manufacture of a controlled substance.[21] In New Mexico, on June 15, 2005, the New Mexico appeals court ruled that growing psilocybin mushrooms for personal use is not manufacture of a controlled substance.[23][24]

I'm moving.


Active Member
At least in 1994, you'd get a MINIMUM of a 10 year sentence for growing a single mushroom, or even having germinated spores. This is a 1st degree crime.
Growing pot at that time in NJ was a 2nd degree crime.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like nobodys knows the penalaties for growing shrums so im assuming nobodies been busted doing it (not in this forum anyways)... im tempted to grow commercially but i dont want to do the time