PC Stealth Grow


Hey guys, I've been wanting to grow my own :weed: for quite some time but I never got around to it, this is gonna be super stealthy and kinda on the cheap side to start off.

I was just wondering if this PC case will be big enough for 1-2 plants(probably just the 1)? I know I will have to LST the crap out of it to make it fit because the case isn't that tall, I'm aware that I'll have to cut all that crap from the inside :roll:



Damn that was quick! Just had a look at scrog and it seems to be ideal, I'll read up some more, cheers bud


Active Member
Hey guys, I've been wanting to grow my own :weed: for quite some time but I never got around to it, this is gonna be super stealthy and kinda on the cheap side to start off.

I was just wondering if this PC case will be big enough for 1-2 plants(probably just the 1)? I know I will have to LST the crap out of it to make it fit because the case isn't that tall, I'm aware that I'll have to cut all that crap from the inside :roll:

YUP TAKE the harddrive base out. let me tell you its gona be a bitch if you have a weak drill


Yes you have to have a proper drill " 7mm" to take out the partition, remove all the cover to do this work .. have a proper intake fan and exhaust fan the same size. e.g 4". wire them together to a nokia phone charger 12v as I did. works great.. for the lights you have to get a proper hub too. good luck.. it worth it..:blsmoke:
Kanasuk's got it right!

Just make sure you have plenty of exhaust/intake to your box. I tried to use an old mac G4 case for my PC grow, but couldn't get my temps into a decent range, even with just one 27 watt cfl bulb and two exhaust fans. But it looks like your case is a little taller than the G4, so you should be ok. I know there are many successful PC growers out there, I'm just not one of them. :?

Good luck!


Thanks guys! I live in the UK so the temps shouldn't be too much of a problem, I hope. Removing the partitions should be easy because they are only small rivets, I should just be able to drill the head off easily


drilling the rivets will take seconds.
The best is to get a full tower server casing.. but it's not so common today as server goes in small flat racks.
Another note. don't put foils in it.. foils do spot burn and don't diffuse the light as it should uniformly, try to get some meters of self adhesive white digital printing vinyl they do the work !
Hoping to see updates from ya.


I'm a bit of a cheap skate so I don't want to be shelling out for a big case at the mo, I've got some Mylar already for it, I bought it a few months back, just need to get the case sorted then I can put it all in


Well-Known Member
have a proper intake fan and exhaust fan the same size.
Hey my man , im not trying to be a dick here , not at all

But you do not want your intake fan the same size as your exhaust , you want to exhaust more air then intake , maintain negative pressure

You really do not need an intake fan at all , just exhaust , but your intake would be passive and you would need more ( intake without fans )

But using a intake fan you want your exhaust fan to have more cfm to push more hot air out then what is coming in

Now iv never grown in a pc case but since its so small it should not be that difficult to keep cool ,

But i could be wrong , but i still assume that the same principles applies when dealing with proper airflow , from a big cab to a micro cab