PC fan


Well-Known Member
Hey all, i robbed a couple of fans out of an old computer and they work with a 12 volt battery,but, is there a way to convert it to electric?? like with an old cell phone charger etc?????


Well-Known Member
Take the power source out of one of the pc's.It has at least three sets of 12V leads.Just extend your wiring as needed.


Any 12V AC/DC power adapter will work. It can be old cell phone charger, or any other charger/power adapter. I use an power adapter from the old Linksys router. Aslo my camping flashlight and air pump use 12V adapters.
After that just connect 2 wires from the adapter to the 2 wires of the fan and you are good to go.

P.S. Keep in mind that many new cell phone chargers (iPhone/Blackberry/Samsung) are just 5V.


Well-Known Member
No a Phone charger is not big enough.It does not have the Amps.Just use a PC power supply Pm me when you have it and I'll explain.Some people insist in reinventing the Wheel."PC Fans work better when you use PC Power supply's.


Well-Known Member
yeh any 12 volt power pak just cut the wires off and join yours

yes BUT pc power suppys are bulky and cumbersome and not very safe with water about, y have a 350 watt brik of electric puttingout heat in your room wen u can simpy use a 12volt 1-1.5amp power pak

its about being safe not reinventing the wheel 350 watts burning for a 12 volt fan lmao


hydrotech364, 80mm PC fan needs around 0.15-0.20Amp. A 12V Charger will output from 0.5 to 1 Amp depending on the model, that why you should read the labels :).
Knowing that, you can make a quick math - how many fans you can hook to the single power adapter. This setup will last you as long as using PC power supply but in much simpler, cleaner and less cumbersome setup.
And don't forget that you need to short 2 pins on PC power supply to make it work at the first, which I would not call very safe.


Well-Known Member
i have an old printer power cable 12 v and 5 amps :) i have 4 fans each use .5 amps :) so more than enough


Well-Known Member