PC Case Grow + Stealth + Perpetual + 125w CFL (progressive start to end, real-time)

Hello all. I am a noob to the forum and a novice to growing.

I am attempting a PC Stealth grow after being inspired by v12xjs and his success. If you've never seen his grows, be sure to check it out. I will be including as many pics as I can, I know it was helpful for me to see what it is really being done in a journal.

I am using a server case, on wheels for easy moving. I am unsure of the brand of the case and I've had it a good while. It measures 24" high inside, has 14 1/2" of usable width in the top half and 13 3/4" on the bottom half with the inset slots for cards. It is 7 3/8" deep. There is a separator piece in the middle, I'll be removing that before installing the light and such.

L to R: Front Bottom, Front Top, Rear Top, Rear Bottom


These are an open view from the side, with the shelf piece to be removed.

The case will be sealed as well as possible with aluminum duct tape, glue gun, and some spray foam insulation if needbe. After that, I will use mylar as a reflective surface.

I am still a bit sketchy on getting seeds and may just be using a few I've collected. I'll be growing 12/12 from seed, 3 pot perpetual, with a new seed started every 3-4 weeks. For this, I have chosen the 125w 2700 Envirolite and including a 12w 6500k cfl for a bit of blue light. Props to v12xjs on that one, it seems to fend of the yellowish leaves early on. It sure beats bat guano in small areas.

This will be a soil grow, but I'm still working on the mix as I'm unsure if I'll get any primo seeds

The light will be installed above a custom cut sheet of 2mm plexiglass, for a heatshield. I'll be installing a fan on each end of the cooltube on top. There are 4 spots for an 80mm fan, and the opening for the cd-rom/PSU that were there when I bought the case.

I have 3 Typhoon 80mm fans already, along with a multi-volt adapter. I'll see what else I need as soon as I get the light in hand.


I'll post some pics of the rest of things I collect, and maybe some of you apprehensive noobs (like myself about a week ago, lol) can follow suit with something simple.

I also want to add in one tip to remove these feisty rivets in the PC cases. I haven't gone tip hunting, but this one did the the trick. I just used a flat head screwdriver and a hammer. Most PC cases are made cheaply and the rivets are ghetto thin. I didn't have the patience to get a drill, so if you don't either, you can try this on those pesky rivets.


All advice and questions are welcome, I can't even begin to tell you how valuable these journals have been for me. Especially using proxies to feel comfortable posting lol!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice little setup you have there!
The one concern that I would have is using those sketchy seeds.
With such a small setup, it is vital that you grow a crop that will fit in the space you have available to you.
The seeds, being strays, could be any of thousands of strains.
You could be in trouble if you get a mostly Sativa plant.
Starting off at 12/12 is a smart way to keep your plants small... I'd imagine this greatly diminishes yield (otherwise why the hell do we all veg?!)
Also, it may be worth, somehow if possible, identifying what seeds you have.
The grow could be affected by how each particular strain’s genetics responds to this lighting regimen

Whatever the case, hope to see you succeed!

Subbed out of curiosity for the 12/12 from seed attempt!

Good luck buddy.
well man, it looks sweet :) i was thinking, that shelf in the middle might be useful if you want to SCROG it, so maybe do a bit of research on it and don't cut it out just yet?

Subbed as i'm doing something similar, in an even smaller set up :(
[seriousdesert];4251643 said:
well man, it looks sweet :) i was thinking, that shelf in the middle might be useful if you want to SCROG it, so maybe do a bit of research on it and don't cut it out just yet?

Subbed as i'm doing something similar, in an even smaller set up :(
I had the same thought as I was about to get the screwdriver and hammer out. At worst I could put the piece back, or cut it somehow and put back what I need to. Having looked at the containers that v12xjs used, I am hoping that I can find ones similar (cereal kinda containers). He made good use of the lid design to efficiently use the other side of the lid for LST.

This case is a bit awkward in the sense of it's less than 8" deep. Most cases have that extra inch or two, I'm hoping it's not an issue.

I hope to make a better decision when/if I know I can get some known seeds safely. At least I'll have the strain traits to work around.

Thanks for the moral support so far guys :) At this point in time, this is a small time financial commitment to get this stuff. It's nice to know that constructive advice is a post away!
I will be ordering the rest of what I need on Friday...light, fan, etc. A trip to Wallyworld will be in order too I guess, try to find some ghettofab containers.

I think I've decided on Paradise Ice Cream feminized and one of the Mandala strains...Hashberry or Ganesh. Anyone have a lead on a feminized version of the latter 2? I haven't seen any in my searches, I was getting discouraged.

Also, is there a sheer necessity for a digital pH and ppm tester? I see these are a good few bucks to invest for a durable one. If I have to invest, it may set me back another week to start properly. If I have to have them, where should I shop?
well i've never used anything like that, i just use tap water and the suggested dosage on my babybio. I think it would be a lot more beneficial to have a digitial PPM and PH tester but i don't think it's a necessity.

Yield size will probably be affected though.
Well, one small update to add to my progress. I just ordered my seeds. Due to lack of funds, and patience, I settled on just grabbing 3 to start from Attitude.

This is my first attempt at using a seed bank so I didn't want to go overboard, I'm usually the example vs. the statistic in such cases.

I grabbed 1 DNA Genetics Kushberry Feminized and 2 Greenhouse Seeds The Church Feminized. I also get 1 free UFO #1Magus Genetics Motavation. I was really set on getting the Paradise Ice Cream seeds, but money was too tight this week and I had to compromise. The Paradise 3 pack sampler will be my next buy if this one goes well.

Anyone have a lead on some good pots to use? I've been searching for the cereal-like containers that v12 was using in his grow...but I'll be damned if I can find any similar ones. Not even close really.

I've also picked up my carbon sheet, 2 more 80mm fans, and alum foil tape (from Walmart).

After I get my light, I'll be ordering a piece of plexiglass for my heatshield and then sealing the case up a bit. I wanted to have a better idea of where my fans will be before I start attacking lol.

I know this is a long build-up, let's hope the results will match.


Well-Known Member
what up ghettofab

don't like the case in the foil tape. if you can try to get some mylar or panda film and just use that tape to hold down the edges. foil creates hot spots. i got like 6 yards of pands film for like 5 bucks so the stuff is cheap. let me know if you need any help.

what up ghettofab

don't like the case in the foil tape. if you can try to get some mylar or panda film and just use that tape to hold down the edges. foil creates hot spots. i got like 6 yards of pands film for like 5 bucks so the stuff is cheap. let me know if you need any help.

You are most correct sir. I am just using the foil tape to seal some of the gaps in the case that I won't be exploiting yet for more fans. It's a pretty nice server case, narrowness aside, with a lot of expansion bays and other easily removed bits. The entire inside of the case will be mylar. Is Panda Film better in your opinion? I see it says it reflects 90% of the light...but I recall reading mylar to be higher than that.
Well, I must commend Attitude on their speed. I placed an order Sunday, arrived today. The only complaint I have is that 1 of my 4 seeds was noticeably cracked open. Is that normal with them?

I still have 3 to start with, 3 weeks apart, and complete my setup. 1 Kushberry, then 1 Church, then maybe the Motavation. I am not saying I made the optimal choices on strains for my setup; I was a bit constricted on funds.

Now that I got this step out of the way, I'll be ordering some things tomorrow. Will list my finds when I do :)


Well-Known Member
Going to subscribe on this thread, i'm looking fowards in this PC case, because i'm doing one too myself =D.