PC Case, First Grow, White Widow


Can anyone suggest what is better for the smell?
Will an ONA block work by itself or I need to use carbon filter....
I am really tight on space near my exhaust fan.


Active Member
looking pretty good for the first grow!!! Smell... it depends on what strain you are working with that will determines if your going to just beable to use ona or a carbon filter to! you can make liitle cheap carbon filters by buying carbon from the pet store and puting it in to a pouch made out of peace of screen, then just stitch the sides up with fishing line and tape it to the inside of the pc box fan. ghetto but it works not to bad. I do it cause I have light traps and I slide them in to the first part of the light trap to hold it. Thanks for checking me out and good luck!



I am having a problem with my plant...
As you can see from the photos it looks very congested. I am thinking of cutting some of the branches out... Is it better to cut the lower longer ones or just some of the small intermediate?
Apart from this the plant looks good to me... I started today with flowering nuts. I am using 4-4-8. This is the only one I could get hold off.
Any advice is welcome.



Well-Known Member
lookin real good...why dont u take a couple clones that would trim her up a bit and u will have more of her!


lookin real good...why dont u take a couple clones that would trim her up a bit and u will have more of her!
:mrgreen:Good Idea.
Is it ok to take clones now that it is in flowering stage? I don't have any other place to put them so they will have to be 12/12 from the begging.
I will give it a go. I need to cut some branches from there anyway and if it works it is a bonus...
I will try to just take 2 clones.


Well-Known Member
not exactly sure, how long have u been flowering for again? not long ehh? try taking some and see if they root...if so u got urself some ladies my friend! and 12/12 from seed isnt bad especially when u have ur mother already in flower.


It's been a while since my last update.
My girl is growing strong and it looks like there are many of nice buds forming.

I followed SimpyBacked's adice and I took some clones. They all rooted properly and they are growing side by side with my main plant.

Here are some photos I took today. I had to trim a lot of leaves to make space for the buds.



Well-Known Member
congrats on the clones man! gonna have urself some buds! she is looking really good tho that scrog screen is really doing her justice! budsites everywhere looks like lol! keep up the good work. Oh yeh, can u get a couple pics of the clones?


Here are some photos of the clones. There is a close up that you can see the hair coming out. I think the clones are probably 20 days behind the main plant. Probably because the went straight into flowering and didn't have 18/4 to gain some root strength. 1 of them is much taller than the rest...
You can also see a picture of my complete set up. I added a piece of carbon filter on the top left. The smell is not strong at all yet but I assume that this is about to change given the smell of white widow I smoked before.



I think they should be ready in about 4 weeks. The guys on the seed shop said that it needs 7-8 weeks flowering. When looking with my magnifying glass I can already see that the top of many hair is orange/brown.