Paying cash to seedsman, why i am sending my payment to Co. USA?


Well-Known Member
Just as the title says, I am paying cash to seedsman but the address is at Broomfield, Co. Thought this was an overseas company so why am i sending my payment to Colorado?


Well-Known Member
Hi Hack,
There's lots of business in the US for those seed sellers. I think they're just trying to make it easier for US customers.

Last month I bought some seeds from a UK seed celler...payment went to a US address. Seeds arrived promptly. We live in an international community now...


Well-Known Member
They've probably got a couple people working for them who'll just deposit and enter it into the system
Might be shipped from US too.

I ordered from TSSC a few weeks ago (also a UK company); sent cash to Florida and order was shipped from Cali.