Paradise Seeds - Opium


Active Member
Hiya all,
Im presently growing paradise seeds opium. I recently completed a grow of opium, i veg for 2 weeks the 8-9 weeks flower. The buds were out of this world but 8 plants grown on hydroponic tray only gave me 4oz of dryed bud.

Im currently on week 5 of veg now and plants are ranging between 15-20 inches
im using a 600w sodium bulb
feeding on HESI and have inlet and extraction.
I found as soon as you switch over to 12/12 the plant stops growing and focus is on bud growth.
My question,

what hight should I grow for a good high crop?
I want my plants to have a good say 8 main branches only for bud production, when is best to trim the plants down? i don't want to stress them to much so should i trimm a little here and then or should I wait until they've started 12/12 wait for the female hairs to appear and then trim the plant

thanks in advance