panic attacks


I have been experiencing severe panic attacks lately. Xanax helps me where cannabis can't. No health insurance makes it difficult to get a script. Any suggestions would be great appreciated.


I'm going through marital problems that don't seem to be helping. They have always been present...just beginning miss intense over the years to the point where I am buying xanax from streets to get through my days.

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
Do your best to work through your issues friend. Surround yourself with people who love you if you can. You can always talk to me if you need to. I'm sure others here can help too.


Well-Known Member
improve your diet, start going to the gym on a regular basis, maybe confide in close friends if possible. if you could get yourself into meditation that would work wonders for you. 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before bed will calm your mind.

try not to depend on the xanax, even when things get tough. the last thing you need is to get hooked on benzos on top of everything you're dealing with. good luck to you man hope you find what helps you.


Well-Known Member
Benzos are wonderful short term fixes but you have to learn to live with it to some extent. Taking benzos daily doesn't work long term.


Well-Known Member
taken as prescribed(mainly) xans have done wonders for me over the past 3 years. daily.
You used to be able to order those online from shady places that also sell a lot of other stuff including cialis,antibiotics and other useful stuff at a fraction of the price a pharmacy would sell them for, although the xans pretty much went for street price which was 3 bux on the mg.
Once you buy from the place expect them to be calling you asking if you're ready for some more.
It's been a few years but I've seen this done. Was a little thing called an "online office visit" , answer the questions , pay the money and HOPE you get your shit.

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
improve your diet, start going to the gym on a regular basis, maybe confide in close friends if possible. if you could get yourself into meditation that would work wonders for you. 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes before bed will calm your mind.

try not to depend on the xanax, even when things get tough. the last thing you need is to get hooked on benzos on top of everything you're dealing with. good luck to you man hope you find what helps you.

Absolutely. Diet is so huge. You are what you eat. Try eating healthier friend. Lighten the load in more ways than one if you know what I mean.


Two things I do just for the enjoyment of it (yet both are prescribed for anxiety and depression) are floatation therapy and drinking kava tea. I'd strongly encourage you to try either. but the former especially helped dig me out of a slump after losing my job and home. Hope everything works out soon for you.


Well-Known Member
When you start to feel anxious or a panic attack starting , i no its hard but try not to think about it , the more you think about it the worse it gets
and you get into a worse state .
Go for a hard run or swimming is great , its hard to think about these things when your concentrating on staying afloat and not sinking
I'm still on anxiety pills myself (Efexor)
They have helped me heaps
If you need any advice or info just PM me
Im more than happy to help you out if i can


Well-Known Member
When you start to feel anxious or a panic attack starting , i no its hard but try not to think about it , the more you think about it the worse it gets
and you get into a worse state .
Go for a hard run or swimming is great , its hard to think about these things when your concentrating on staying afloat and not sinking
I'm still on anxiety pills myself (Efexor)
They have helped me heaps
If you need any advice or info just PM me
Im more than happy to help you out if i can
My doctor tried to switch me from what I was totally comfortable with, xans, to efexxor. I had to refuse after a couple doses of that shit. The same chemical structure as methamphetamine and the rave party drug mdma, no thanks dr frankenstien, couldn't function and did not feel well after even half doses. The only reason xans get a bad name is because the fact they are abused so much and end up on the streets for sale.


Well-Known Member
taken as prescribed(mainly) xans have done wonders for me over the past 3 years. daily.
You used to be able to order those online from shady places that also sell a lot of other stuff including cialis,antibiotics and other useful stuff at a fraction of the price a pharmacy would sell them for, although the xans pretty much went for street price which was 3 bux on the mg.
Once you buy from the place expect them to be calling you asking if you're ready for some more.
It's been a few years but I've seen this done. Was a little thing called an "online office visit" , answer the questions , pay the money and HOPE you get your shit.
taking xanax daily? how bad has your tolerance gotten?


Well-Known Member
My anxiety is work and socially related..I feel I have to get high just to go to walmart!..I don't want drugs really because the ones I tried zonked me out..I'm still gonna try a different approach..all I know is xanax is not for me!..if I could go to work as slant/red eyed as I wanted,half my attacks wouldn't happen..I hope you can figure a way around the pills,its no way to feel constantly..maybe once in a while..idk..good luck!


Well-Known Member
My doctor tried to switch me from what I was totally comfortable with, xans, to efexxor. I had to refuse after a couple doses of that shit. The same chemical structure as methamphetamine and the rave party drug mdma, no thanks dr frankenstien, couldn't function and did not feel well after even half doses. The only reason xans get a bad name is because the fact they are abused so much and end up on the streets for sale.
I were in the same vote when i weind(sorry for spelling) of xannax and the doc gave some other brand , can't remember witch one ,
anyway i started on half doses and my anxiety got 5 times worse than if i took nothing.
My pupils were that dialated (big) my whole eye was vertually black
I tried to drive to work , i got 100m down the road and thought i was going to have a heart attack or some shit
I managed to turn around , pull over and try to think of something funny or anything rather than the panic attack i was having.
I composed myself got home and just layed on the couch trying to go to sleep
By 6:00 that night i rang my docs and after alot of talking and explaining they said get of it straight away.
The next day i was put on Efexor-XR and i have been quiet abit better ever since