Pale bottom leaves and shaky stem.


Well-Known Member
Plant is roughly 3 weeks old. I have given it 1/4 the recommended neuts. pH is at about 6.2. I have plenty of lights. Temps vary between 65 degrees at lights off and 85 degrees with lights on. The bottom most leaves (approx. 2 of them) are starting to turn a pale green. Leaves are pretty small. Approx 1 inch in length. Do you think this is the start of a nitrogen deficiency or lack of lighting? I will be sure to be monitoring this very closely.

Another concern of mine, this one more severe, is the fact that the stem is incredibly wobbly where root meets stem. It feels as if it could topple at any moment. The other 3 plants are doing incredibly well and do not suffer from any problems of any kind at this point. I am debating whether or not to stake it and bend a paperclip to help keep it upright. Has anyone else ever experienced this and does anyone have any reasons for a cause and viable solutions?


Well-Known Member
The soil was premixed. Picked it up at my local garden center. Do you think it is old enough to increase the nutrient solution? Like I said I watered it yesterday with 1/4th the recommended dosage.

Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
The soil was premixed. Picked it up at my local garden center. Do you think it is old enough to increase the nutrient solution? Like I said I watered it yesterday with 1/4th the recommended dosage.
I'm starting to think it might be over watering or to much nutes, mabey a lock up! What was the NPK value for the pre mixed soil u used? A lot of them come fertilized with a high nitrogen % & by adding 1/4 strenght nutes u may be giving them to much.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The leaves were pale before I added the neuts.
Fertilome Ultimate Potting Mix

Is what I am using. The bag does not have any NPK information on it.


Well-Known Member
id say overwatering, also. let the soil dry, and see if the leaves perk up. raise your lights an extra couple inches to take less light stress to overcome the water imbalance


Well-Known Member
The leaves appear to be drooping because I have a 2 foot box fan pointing on them to keep the room cool. I didn't turn the fan off prior to taking the photograph.


Well-Known Member
Over night the tips of those pale leaves has become very dry and brittle. The problem is still isolated to those 2 leaves alone. No other leaves are showing any signs or symptoms. No neut burn on any leaf tips and no other leaves are pale in color.


Well-Known Member
It appears as though this problem was caused by a lack of light. Plant appears to be doing well and growth continues to be strong. Thanks for you help and opinions.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Keep an eye on the thread in my signature. Ill be updating it as frequently as possible. Thinking of buying 4, 4 foot T5 fluro's. They are kind of expensive at 35 dollars a pop but they do include the bulbs.