

Active Member
Went paintballing today. FUCKING AWESOME!!! hurt less than I thought it would. I'm definately gonna get some equipment. plus it'll keep the weed scroungers away! :bigjoint:

Tip: Don't go while you're high. You don't have the reactions. Trust me. It's alot harder than CoD. :-(

Anyone else ever been?

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
yeah bro iv only been twice and got hit once in the thumb fuck it hurt
we had 4vs4 and i got revenge on the guy that hit me he came looking for us bad mistake
we all shot him about 13 times xD my freind on my team got wasted to though had like 5 hits on his back
me and my team worked well together hours later we had bruises big as ones

but had a good time adrenline sport
if everyones high that would be fun

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I only go paintballing on Halloween.

Used to play often

My buddy used to play semi pro in the nxl and nppl.. then he coverted to Mormonism out of the blue and we don't talk...not because he's a Mormon....but because now that he's Mormon we have nothing in common anymore.


Well-Known Member
I used to play 4 or 5 times a week. We were an amateur team but were sponsored by 32 Degrees and JT. I miss the shit out of my custom Autococker :(


Well-Known Member
had my paintball phase a long time ago, it was really fun, Geting shot in the hand is deff the worst, the neck is second and a nice shot in the mouth of the mask will give u a nice mouth full of bitter shitty paint. Still got my original tippmann 98, not a custom, have a 4chamber expansion and a dropfoward + jj n ceramic barrel bc i couldnt affod the boomstick. Stopped playing after i realized the cash it took to play


Well-Known Member
had my paintball phase a long time ago, it was really fun, Geting shot in the hand is deff the worst, the neck is second and a nice shot in the mouth of the mask will give u a nice mouth full of bitter shitty paint. Still got my original tippmann 98, not a custom, have a 4chamber expansion and a dropfoward + jj n ceramic barrel bc i couldnt affod the boomstick. Stopped playing after i realized the cash it took to play
It only took one time of getting rushed while I was ducking behind a bunker to start wearing a thick head sock. Angel with a hair trigger + 6-8 straight shots to the top of my head from about 6 feet = sucks haha.


Active Member
I had an older ACI f-4 with an 18" barrel, custom modified to fit in the wooden stock of an old 30.06 rifle...sewed sum pantyhose to a camo t-shirt and covered it in brush for a makeshift ghillie about poppin some heads in capture the flag! We had a 2 room makeshift cabin in the woods that was perfect, best time to play was at night in the winter when it was snowin...shined a couple spotlights on the cabin, armed everyone with smoke bombs and wasted endless nights bruisin each other up...oh, fun times!...but yeah, shit got expensive