Pain relief: High CBD or a strong indica


New Member
I am still waiting for peace naturals to call me so i can order :/ going on two weeks should be interesting when they finally get ahold of me.
I sent them an inquiry on their website asking a simple question, took more than a week to get back to me ...


Well-Known Member
I meant a high thc strain low cbd..
Something with no more than .5% . A powerful sativa
But that should still work ok


Well-Known Member
I am stuck trying to decide between signing up with cannimed to get their high CBD strain, and Mettrum to get their indica strain.

What would you choose for chronic pain relief?
Nobody in their right mind should sign up to Cannimed or Bedrocan. Irradiating weed is bad mmmkay. High CBD strains are more effective for things like seizures, not chronic pain. If you want long lasting pain relief I suggest making some edibles. I have chronic neuropathic pain and find a nice selection of sativa during the day, and indica dominant hybrids or straight indicas at night work nice. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Have you not been diagnosed? Have you tried ingesting oil as a cure for Crohns? Pot does help for inflammation(intestines) or by lessening opioids taken for chronic pain by ingesting, but smoking pot doesn't do much for pain from a bruised elbow type deal. Might even make you dwell on it. So go for the indica.


New Member
spoke to peace naturals today they got my paperwork and ATP but they can not find my fathers ATP was not givin a tracking number and canada post is saying there is nothing they can do about it........... sent it all at the same time thanks canada post


Well-Known Member
spoke to peace naturals today they got my paperwork and ATP but they can not find my fathers ATP was not givin a tracking number and canada post is saying there is nothing they can do about it........... sent it all at the same time thanks canada post
Lots of people seem unsatisfied with Peace Naturals. I read one patients experience on another site and his experience sounds horrifying. Apparently they were receiving so many complaints about inferior product, lack of product or shit customer service insted of addressing such problems they ignored patients and took down their facebook page to stop the spreading of dissatisfaction. Thats some shady stuff right there.


Well-Known Member don't have to sign up for this crap.....don't let them think you do....
there are always other get thru..... the best we can do is make them not participating at all....
some may have no other alternatives...and so be it..but the vast majority can send a message loud and both LP's and HC
you can't ,won't and don't run our lives...


Well-Known Member don't have to sign up for this crap.....don't let them think you do....
there are always other get thru..... the best we can do is make them not participating at all....
some may have no other alternatives...and so be it..but the vast majority can send a message loud and both LP's and HC
you can't ,won't and don't run our lives...
Unfortunately this new system wasn't really designed for patients so our participation or not has little to do with it's "success". With 150+ possible LP's, looking at the patient market works out to less than 200 patients per LP. We are not the target market for this program, this system was designed for big business to control cannabis and open an import/export market. The medical angle is really the only way they can manipulate the rules for their benefit without recreational use being legalized.


Active Member
I am stuck trying to decide between signing up with cannimed to get their high CBD strain, and Mettrum to get their indica strain.

What would you choose for chronic pain relief?
you are not limited to just one. Sign up for as many as you want. Sorry if someone already mentioned this.


Well-Known Member
Let's see...4-7 days to mail in the forms for registration with an LP, 2-3 days for them to process your registration, 1-2 days to process your order, another 3-5 business days in the mail waiting for product. Not to mention however long it will take for a doctor appointment to have them sign the "medical documents". On top of this many LP's have a "minimum order", so testing out various strains becomes a pain the ass. I'm supposed to take all this time jumping through hoops getting papers signed then have to order a minimum of 5-10 grams and wait a week or more for something that MIGHT or MIGHT NOT work for me? This system is so retarded...


Active Member
Lots of people seem unsatisfied with Peace Naturals. I read one patients experience on another site and his experience sounds horrifying. Apparently they were receiving so many complaints about inferior product, lack of product or shit customer service insted of addressing such problems they ignored patients and took down their facebook page to stop the spreading of dissatisfaction. Thats some shady stuff right there.
I'm pretty skeptical of brand new anonymous users trashing specific LP's with no proof. How do I know you don't work for a competitor?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty skeptical of brand new anonymous users trashing specific LP's with no proof. How do I know you don't work for a competitor?
If you would've kept reading the thread i posted the link to as where i developed this opinion. Also I'm a patient, not an LP wannabe. That's pretty obvious by my posts.


Active Member
If you would've kept reading the thread i posted the link to as where i developed this opinion. Also I'm a patient, not an LP wannabe. That's pretty obvious by my posts.
Is "LP wannabe" some sort of catch all epithet? I'm a medical patient, friend. And no, your 'proof' is nothing close. I've actually seen plenty of people like yourself on Canadian medical forums trashing specific LP's, and it comes across to me as pretty obvious. If I /were/ an LP I would pay someone like you to trash the competition.

Maybe Peace Naturals sucks. I dont know, I wont pretend to have used them. I'm just exercising obvious due diligence at your own empty claims trashing someone anonymously. There are currently LP's paying people to do exactly what you are doing. So the real question is, why are you doing it for free?


Well-Known Member
Is "LP wannabe" some sort of catch all epithet? I'm a medical patient, friend. And no, your 'proof' is nothing close. I've actually seen plenty of people like yourself on Canadian medical forums trashing specific LP's, and it comes across to me as pretty obvious. If I /were/ an LP I would pay someone like you to trash the competition.

Maybe Peace Naturals sucks. I dont know, I wont pretend to have used them. I'm just exercising obvious due diligence at your own empty claims trashing someone anonymously. There are currently LP's paying people to do exactly what you are doing. So the real question is, why are you doing it for free?
If you are a supposed patient then why wouldn't you want to have access to all available information out there? I never stated it was "proof", I merely developed an opinion based on the information I have been presented by various other patients. Frankly I think all these LP's are a joke right now. Not one seems to be able to deliver a high quality medicine for a reasonable price yet. Also as a patient why are you so accepting of these new regulations? Do you not see that your rights are being taken away? That is why I do what I do, I want real patients to see the big picture here. You clearly do not.


Let's see...4-7 days to mail in the forms for registration with an LP, 2-3 days for them to process your registration, 1-2 days to process your order, another 3-5 business days in the mail waiting for product. Not to mention however long it will take for a doctor appointment to have them sign the "medical documents". On top of this many LP's have a "minimum order", so testing out various strains becomes a pain the ass. I'm supposed to take all this time jumping through hoops getting papers signed then have to order a minimum of 5-10 grams and wait a week or more for something that MIGHT or MIGHT NOT work for me? This system is so retarded...
The worst of it, if you find something you really like, chances are it will be sold out next time you need it lol. Peace Naturals better stabilize soon or I'm rage quitting ha.