Pa Growers


Active Member
I'm thinking about getting some super Cali haze from shOrt stuff seeds and maby some super stinky lol And plus I'm starting to think about building a 5 gallon still to make my own liquer cuz i love corn whiskey and hate paying for it and it doesn't seem to hard to make lol


Active Member
i have seeds that i got off my potent little plant 4 but 2 look way under developed the other 2 look just right than i found a good seed in some super skunk that im gonna grow than i just bought an O of some really really good mexi brick and saving whatever seeds i can find in that than i plan on getting some super autos and a few big ones but im hoping i get decent harvest off the super autos lol

i think i just found two spots for this year but i need another one for some big girls lol but i still got to trim back a few trees so the early and late season sun doesn't get affected by the leaves and what not lol


Well-Known Member
Not me I got way to many seeds the way it is. Now it is just a matter of deciding which ones I want to crack. I dunno I guess that's a good problem to have. :)


Well-Known Member
I am working on my sun room off the back of my house for a few, and getting clones ready for the spring. I 'll be putting about 25 plants in the ground and maybe a half dozen in sun room. I always lose some plants to the hunters around harvest time so always put more in to make up for the loss. I would shit if I got through a year without loss. lol.


Active Member
Just dug 7 holes today scence the weathers been pretty nice and the ground isn't frozen now I just need somthing to get those branches up high shorter lol and them damn vines haha


Active Member
ive been searching for pictures or grow journals for these so called super autos and i wasnt able to find much but i did find some fourm all about auto flowering plants and the breder stitch was in there talking to people about them which gives me some confidence in these strains but i do plan on buying 3 of 3 or 4 of these super autos and seeing what they're like and keeping a journal on them or at-least try to because they are sativa mixed with the ruderalis so they go longer than normal autos soposidly i wont be leave it untill i see it lol and i got to figure out what to do about all this fucking clay like 2 feet down when im digging my holes i feel like its gonna clog water and root rot them..... sorry for my terrible grammar and spelling lol


Active Member
HAHAHAHAAHAAHA this is probly a bad/ noob mistake but i just found my last years grow on google earth u can see all the trash and shit it must of been takin while i was out there setting up lol wwwwwoooooooooooooowwwwwwww fucking halirous.... but you cant see any plants or anything but some trash thats no longer there
EDIT: im actualy starting to think about growing some poppy plants just because they are beautiful as long as they arent refined into heroin............... ive always heard sprinkn a little opium on a bowl back and youll be feelin the best you've ever had


Well-Known Member
A friend asked for some pics of some of my plants from last year, so I am going to pull up each strain here.

Lost Coast OG - Emerald Triangle Seeds
This was my best plant. Finished about 7' tall with excellent branching and a nice yield. Pretty heavy feeder during flowering and likes some Nitrogen almost until the very end. Started flowering late July and I think i harvested last week of September. Wanted to give another few days but we had a hell of a storm that broke a few branches and looked like mold was going to set in. I'm SOO glad I did that patch got ripped the following day!



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Grapefruit Krush - Emerald Triangle Seeds

Another winner from Emerald Triangle. Not as huge as Lost Coast, but in terms of quality and taste, was everyones favorite. Grew shorter and stout with some of the biggest fan leaves i've ever seen. Unfortunately, right around the time it started flowering 3rd week of July, some kind of animal came threw and broke about 1/2 of the lower branches. Most were broken right off, but some of the branches were able to be salvaged. I was basically left with the main cola and about the top 1/3 of the branches untouched. Stunted the plant significantly. I was expecting a Sept 15 harvest, but put me back about 2 weeks. What was left was some sweet smelled, dense nuggets with some red and purple hues. I feel like this plant would turn red/purple in cooler weather. Great potential in this strain.



Well-Known Member
Super Skunk - Sensi Seeds

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with this strain. It was a very easy plant to grow. Not a heavy feeder and didn't have any problems with bugs or mold. On the plant, the buds would make your arm smell like a combination of lemon pledge and garbage all day if you brushed up against it. Thought the smell and taste would be crazy, but once cropped and dry, the smell was very subtle. I was also expected a little bit better yield. Started flowering late July and finished late September. A friend of mine lives in chronic pain, and he said out of every strain I grew last year that was the best pain reliever for him, even though the flavor and smell left a lot to be desired. It wasn't crap though, I'd give Super Skunk another chance.



Well-Known Member
Wappa - Paradise Seeds

This plant took a major beating. I started it late to begin with, and about late June early July a storm came through and broke the main stem right in half. It was my own lazy fault. A week earlier I went out to check on them and forgot the stakes and it was getting late and didn't feel like going back for them. It was probably broken in half and the top was laying on the ground for a good 2-3 days before I went out next. This time with the stakes, lol! I propped it back up and it slowly recovered, but it noway near came out to its full potential. Because of the damage, it didn't start flowering until August. In the end, pulled about an oz and a half of some fairly airy bud, but it was worth trying to salvage I think. Just from what I saw I would say Wappa has some genetic potential. Still have one more seed left to find out. :) For me, that plant will always serve as a reminder of what laziness and a little but of arrogance can do.

In the first pic, Wappa is in the background on the left. On the right is my Pineapple Express I had to bend over because it was getting too tall for that particular spot. In the second pic, if you look closely on the bottom you can see the bend where it broke and was propped back up.



Well-Known Member
Pineapple Express - G13 Labs

To be honest, I thought PE was a gimmick strain. So much so I put it in a less than ideal patch next to Wappa. I was wrong. I feel in ideal conditions that plant would have been a monster. It was a little stretchy due to lack of direct sunlight, but the growth was still explosive with an above average amount of budsites. There were branches everywhere. Since then, I've heard quite a few positive reports about PE. It's no gimmick strain IMHO. The only downside was that it starts flowering and finishes a little later than I prefer. I'd give this plant a good 9 weeks of flowering (at least) and this particular plant didn't finish until October 7-10 if my memory serves me correctly. No mold issues, but like i mentioned it wasn't in the best of spots, so the buds weren't as solid. Mold tends to hit dense buds more so than lighter nugs.

The latest pics I took of wappa and PE are 9-9, so sorry, nothing in full flower.



Well-Known Member
Pineapple Express - G13 Labs

To be honest, I thought PE was a gimmick strain. So much so I put it in a less than ideal patch next to Wappa. I was wrong. I feel in ideal conditions that plant would have been a monster. It was a little stretchy due to lack of direct sunlight, but the growth was still explosive with an above average amount of budsites. There were branches everywhere. Since then, I've heard quite a few positive reports about PE. It's no gimmick strain IMHO. The only downside was that it starts flowering and finishes a little later than I prefer. I'd give this plant a good 9 weeks of flowering (at least) and this particular plant didn't finish until October 7-10 if my memory serves me correctly. No mold issues, but like i mentioned it wasn't in the best of spots, so the buds weren't as solid. Mold tends to hit dense buds more so than lighter nugs.

The latest pics I took of wappa and PE are 9-9, so sorry, nothing in full flower.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!