P00T's super-noobaroo grow!


Well-Known Member
Soory man im commenting on pics from your first page Lol. The last batch of pics is looking better tho. Wiggly number #1 is looking hit tho


Soory man im commenting on pics from your first page Lol. The last batch of pics is looking better tho. Wiggly number #1 is looking hit tho
Hey WW, thanks for the input! I have an old Moist/Light/PH meter the wife loaned me, but I'm not convinced that is is worth a damn...
I did test the tap water with a ph strip, and it is right around 6.25, which should be aliright I believe.

I haven't fed anyone anything, but have thought about investing in some nutes...
My theory re: MG soil is that they do a VERY corse mixing, so some of my pots are over/under on certain nutes.

Wiggly 1 is actually in soil from the wife's garden which gets a couple tons of compost every year. (That pot is at least 5 times heavier than the MG pots!)

Once I get a harvest under my belt, I may switch over to RockWool with an NFT system. From everything I've read, I am leaning to that as the cleanest/most efficient system.
I've also considered pulling from all of the compost piles in the yard and "brewing my own" soil, just not sure I want to F' with that...


Well-Known Member
My experience is those test strips arent very reliable either. Some of the digital readers are crap too! Oakton's are pretty good meters but more pricey. If you really wanna make things simple go with the bx promix next grow. Its peatmoss base and factory ph'd...no matter what the ph of the water i put into the pots the lime in the promix automatically buffers it to around 5.8. You definately have to feed nutes if you use that mix tho. Fox farms is cheap line up and you will grow quality bud with it and it is already ph'd for you. With promix and foxfarms you will be golden


Well-Known Member
I think thats what happened with wiggly 1 is the soil is too rich for it and was killing the roots while it was seedling. Probably would be a good soil to use to transplant into 3 gal buckets tho


My experience is those test strips arent very reliable either. Some of the digital readers are crap too! Oakton's are pretty good meters but more pricey. If you really wanna make things simple go with the bx promix next grow. Its peatmoss base and factory ph'd...no matter what the ph of the water i put into the pots the lime in the promix automatically buffers it to around 5.8. You definately have to feed nutes if you use that mix tho. Fox farms is cheap line up and you will grow quality bud with it and it is already ph'd for you. With promix and foxfarms you will be golden
Yeah, I've been reading about the different soils, and the "supersoil" mix...Why isn't anyone bagging up the perfect mix for cannabis? I had been leaning towards FFOF, but see mixed reviews. I'm starting from the standpoint of: Hey, this shit grows wild, so KISS!


Well-Known Member
promix is pretty close to perfect for cannabis. You dont even have to worry about ph'ing your water with that stuff. Its alot cheaper than FFOF too


promix is pretty close to perfect for cannabis. You dont even have to worry about ph'ing your water with that stuff. Its alot cheaper than FFOF too
Then Promix it is for the next go-round! I'm thinking of prolonging this grow a bit by doing some topping so it will probably be early Fall for the next. :)
Thanks for the tip!


Just a quick post to drop current pics.

I took 2 more males out the other day, and with the 2 clones that are really struggling along I think I have about 8 that will be ready for flower at the same time. Been thinking about veging a while longer though, and bumping them up to 4gal pots...
Even thought about topping some just to pop a few extra colas.

Just started giving them some fish food yesterday, and moved the lights closer in...anyone else feel like they veged forever on their first grow? :eyesmoke:

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Grins around!


Well-Known Member
Well done for sticking with it P00T!! Some of them may just turn out to be keepers!!

Peace, DST


I've pulled the trigger, and started reducing the light time by half an hour each day. That should put us at full 12/12 by next week 7/6...

Everyone but the 2 thriving clones (the struggling clones were moved outside), got 6gal pots with Sunshine Mix #4 to which I added mycorrhiza. :mrgreen: (My shop didn't have BX Pro, but SM4 with Myco was a pretty close match...)
I decided not to top. Will save that for a future grow.

The tallest plant will be hitting 2' at full 12/12 and the smallest will be around 12-16" from the dirt...I decided to go ahead with flowering after reading all of the advice that there can be 2-3x height increase, which for the 2' plants with pot height could have the hoods jacked up to the very top...
On 12/12 day 1 (early morning or late evening) I will be pulling all of the plants out, cleaning the room/hoods/overflow trays, and switching to HPS bulbs! :blsmoke:

Curley continues to have what I think is a Ph problem. I adjusted it down, and it curled even more, so I bumped it back up, and will bump it up again this weekend.

I also divided the room in half to keep my HIDs running flower with no polution while I get seedlings started, and do my first clones. :shock:
For some reason, I really suck at germinating seeds in soil...it seems to be happening, but extraordinarily slowly...:-? (paper towel is normally a 2-3 day max germ for me...)

I have a tarp-zipper down the center of the new wall, but am still ucertain what I should do for the bottom cuts. (anyone seen shorter zips on the market? I hate to spend $10 for a 7' zip that I cut down to 3'...) Advice here is welcomed, I've been leaning toward magnetic strips glued to the B/W...

That's it for this week, now enjoy a couple of quick pics!

Thanks for stopping by for a grin! :eyesmoke:


Upgraded the Elephant Bud clones (2 are making it to this flower run) to 7gal pots with some sunshine 4. :)

Put in a work-bench and installed a basic electronic flourescent ballast with 4 T8s in it beneath the worktop. This will be for seedlings/clones/early veg.

Yesterday was the last reduction in light time, we are now 12/12!

Last night I pulled everyone out of the room, cleaned the glass on the BlockBusters, cleaned the trays, cleaned the floor, pulled the MH bulbs, installed the HPS bulbs, gave everyone some fish-food, and did some site polination with a little paint brush and some of the balls I took off of the boys. (The boys live outside so I can collect their goods and control distribution...mostly educational for me at this point...)
Gave everyone a nice drink, and tucked them back in for the night.

I think the switch over went pretty well. The HPS are keeping the room about 5 degrees warmer, and I will be lowering them tonight, and see how the girls respond.

Took these pics just now:
The Tardis
Looks like another planet under the HPS...I may have to tweak the camera settings:

Thanks for stopping by and sharing a grin, hope to see you next week!


Damn, 4 days into 12/12 and 2 plants showed me a wicked cluster of nuts! :evil:

I guess that is the way of it...I finally gathered myself and chopped them and the 4 that were hanging in the yard. They are composting now. :fire:
Not sure why it is so tough to rip up the males...guess it is all the effort to get them to 12/12 if they don't show in pre-flower...

Oh well, I'm down to 6 for this push and will be doing more clones/fem seeds next time around. ;)


Flowering is coming along nicely. (As far as I know...):shock:
I was getting a shitload of condensation in the room so I flipped the exhaust fan over to 24/7...dropped the humidity from 70 down to 50.
They seemed thirsty today so they all got a soaking until they puddled at the bottom of their pots.

Larry: MTF
DSC03042.jpgTip curl: Thirsty? Potasium def from switch to flower?
Moe: MTF
Norm: UWxJH
Lumpy: UWxJH
Old Bet: EB
Ruby: EB

In Veg Land
AK47 near, with Tundra AF far: (The ONLY seeds out of 6 that germinated from Attitude...:mad:)
Pollux is an EB clone that finally took, and the far pot is a UWxJH from seed:
Took some clones at 1 week into flower
4EB in back, 4MTF in front, unkown with red flag on far right (growing tip that got knocked off...I picked it up, dunked it and stuck it in dirt! lol), UWxJH seedling on far left:
Had some sort of funkiness growing on the sad tips of the MTF clones, so I chopped them off and opened the dome vents a bit to drop the humidity:

As always, thanks for stopping in for a grin!


Well, I've gone and tried to kill my plants again...

I nuked them with morbloom, poor gals.
I probably would have had better results just using tap water. :(

Anyhow, I've flushed them twice, and will be taking them outside for a super-flush this evening. Wish me luck.


One week since the major flush, day 29 of 12/12...
They have been through the ringer, and it shows. Some are bouncing better than others, but I think that there is renewed vigor in the UWxJH, and the EBs are trying to get there. One of my MTF is really hurting bad, while the other is one of the healthier plants in the room.
Today they all recieved a light watering, with the tiniest bit of superthrive for stress and some more Mycoryzea to give the roots some love.
Man it is tough to just sit back and let them suffer through it!
I have certainly learned the hard way that less is more with these beauties.


Still grinnin' here, with a bit of a wince. ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow, it's amazing how much you've learned on this grow. They seem to be doing pretty well, flowers filling in nicely. Well done, I'll be watching this one.


These are in Sunshine #4 with shop-brand mycoryzea, but started out in 2.5 gal full of MG MC soil. (yeah...I know...)