P.C. snowflake culture RUN AMOK


Well-Known Member
The Energy Department’s Climate Office Just Banned the Phrase ‘Climate Change’

A supervisor at the Energy Department’s international climate office told staff this week not to use the phrases “climate change,” “emissions reduction” or “Paris Agreement” in written memos, briefings or other written communication, sources have told POLITICO… At the meeting, senior officials told staff the words would cause a “visceral reaction” with Energy Secretary Rick Perry, his immediate staff, and the cadre of White House advisers at the top of the department.

Visceral reaction..is that a threat?


Well-Known Member
I think it's high time we chlorinate the gene pool again. There's too many floaters stinking up the joint.


Well-Known Member
It's going to be hard to believe but I actually went to high school and had to shower with other men and I never sucked a cock.
Interesting. It's just that it seems to be completely occupying your thoughts at all times, that's why I asked. I mean, most of us did the same thing, but we don't find it necessary to constantly bring it up. Typically, that's the sort of thing latent homosexuals do - try to convince everybody they're not in an effort to butch up and sound manly.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. It's just that it seems to be completely occupying your thoughts at all times, that's why I asked. I mean, most of us did the same thing, but we don't find it necessary to constantly bring it up. Typically, that's the sort of thing latent homosexuals do - try to convince everybody they're not in an effort to butch up and sound manly.
At all times? I may have joked around a little bit about gays but far from all the time. I don't even think about pussy at all times but I'm not a teenager with raging hormones like you.

I'm actually married...... To a woman.