

Active Member
ozone generators - are they any good? are there any health risks? ( for me or my girls?)

any other info i should kno?


Well-Known Member
I use a negative ion generator outside my grow room and it helps alot. For a short time i was also using a ozone generator inside but thougt i saw ozone burn on my leaves. Today its going back on for a second try, its getting hella stinky around here.

Here's some info i had saved.
There has been some debate over the safety of ozone and humans, however The EPA, USDA and OSHA have approved the use of ozone at concentrations of 0.1 Parts Per Million, for an exposure period of eight hours, without any side effects. Most home ozone generators produce less than .05 PPM, and exposure time is minimal. With this in mind, ozone generation is a safe and effective method of odor control.

While some growers place ozone generators outside the growing area in fear that ozone may damage plants, most choose to destroy the odor at the source.
In contrast to popular belief, ozone actually benefits the overall health of the plant, and the human, by removing pollutants such as bacteria, fungus and mold from the air.
Another benefit to marijuana is the creation of CO² (along with water and oxygen), when ozone comes into contact with formaldehyde (HCHO) Because ozone generation is a very potent method of odor removal, constant treatment is not necessary.
I run my ozone generator (4000v) on the same timer with my nutrient pump. Out of every 40 minute period, the timer is on for 10 to 20 minutes.


Active Member
thanks for info.
so in you opinion are they better than carbon filters?
i can get a ozone gen for 50quid.
also wot is classed as exposer? been in same room? same house?


Well-Known Member
ozone generators are usually combined with carbon filters to eliminate ALL odors. The trick is to get the right ozone generator for your space and to not exceed the recommended guidelines.

From what i understand, there are two types - UV (ultraviolet) and corona discharge. The UV type uses a special light to create the ozone whereas the corona discharge passes dried oxygen-containing gas through an electrical field. I think the problem with the CD (corona discharge) is this type creates nitric acid and over time can build up with detrimental effects on plants and equipment. Though many growers use them with apparently no ill effects.

Many growers put the ozone generator right into the exhaust duct work. This is great if you are exhausting to the outside. But if you are exhausting to inside your home and/or using the ozone generator in a room or closet, then you should make sure the generator does not exceed the recommended guidelines. Instructions come with most ozone generators to help set them up properly and safely.

Symptoms of exceeding recommended ozone guidelines include coughing and scratchy throat.

note: ion generators create negative ions (electrostatic-ally) which cling to odor causing molecules making them heavier than air so they fall to the ground. They do eliminate odors (kind of) but are not idea for any more than 2 or 3 plants.


Active Member
thanks for the info, the one i was looking at was like this Ozone Generator Ionizer. Great for hydroponics. Health. on eBay, also, Other Major Appliances, Major Appliances, Home Garden (end time 26-Nov-07 20:14:47 GMT)

my grow area is 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m extraction fan ducted into room. would this be sufficient to kill oders? its in loft space so smell in house not 2 bad tbh just towards end of flowering + drying.
also my daughters room is below loft would there be any effects that could effect her? sorry for all the questions


Well-Known Member
i don't know anything about that one but since i don't see a bulb i'm guessing it is CD type. NGT (nongreenthumb) i believe uses one of these (and loves it):
IONIC BALL AIR PURIFIER IONIZER CLEANER W BREEZER OZONE on eBay, also Other Methods, Air Purifiers, Gadgets Other Electronics, Consumer Electronics (end time 27-Nov-07 22:15:00 GMT)

be sure whatever ozone generator you use, get the test strips and set it up right. if anyone starts complaining about sore throats - be aware it could be the ozone (or they might be coming down with something).


Active Member
how bad r the effects? does it stop at saw throat? or can it be worse?

hmm seriously considering one of these especially that one u showed me, it seems cheap???

was thinking building a small box the extracing my exhaust fan into box, then out other dise, so no ozone goes near the plants, think this would work?


Well-Known Member
i don't know what other ill effects are from too much ozone. i figured i'd shut mine off if i had a continuous sore throat :-)

i don't use the ball - i just heard good things about it on this forum.

if you build an exhaust area (great idea btw) you can just get a carbon filter and attach the exhaust fan to it and it will all be concealed. you can also put the carbon filter on the inside and use the exhaust fan to suck all the air in the cabinet through it before it gets to the outside.

with a carbon filter you shouldn't need the ozone generator for just a few plants.


Active Member
i got 10, but no filter at the mo, tbh they seem quite expensive, and like i said i mite just try ozone gen. as only need to run for few weeks per crop i reckon. thanks for the help.
the health risk kinda scary dont wanna end up with cancer or any thing.


Active Member
just bought one 2. for 1.45 cant go wrong really will let u kno how i get on. also i remember u mentioning it kills bacterior? will this in effect stop bud rot? or will it not effect fungus?