Overnight frost is it ok?


Well-Known Member
My plants have been outside now for almost 2 weeks. They are only just seedlings but have managed to stay alive so far with temperatures dropping overnight to a low of around 3 at most. Last night we got a clear night and the temperature dropped to -1 and we had a minor frost. My plants are in a mini greenhouse and this morning when i went to look at them and take the lid off a bunch of steam rose out indicating that it was warmer in the greenhouse than outside. I'm assuming this is a good thing, so i put the lid back on. By the looks of it today is gonna be a warm sunny day, probably up to about 25 degrees or so. Do you think my plants will be ok?


Well-Known Member
Keep the lid on at night and take it off suring the day.

You should be fine if you stay on top of them and make sure they are covered at night. MJ is a resiliant plant and can take a lot.


Active Member
The slightest frost on the leaves will kill the leaves off quickly, so you'll know within 48 hours whether any damage was done or not. DownOnWax is right though, if you leave the lid on at night so that no frost ever actually settles on the leaves they'll be fine.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
The slightest frost on the leaves will kill the leaves off quickly, so you'll know within 48 hours whether any damage was done or not. DownOnWax is right though, if you leave the lid on at night so that no frost ever actually settles on the leaves they'll be fine.
like i said mine went threw a 20 degree freeze once and every one of them lived. yes they were fucked for a while but they did pull threw. your just talking a frost witch realy isn't nothing for a plant.:hump:


Active Member
I'm not saying a plant can't survive a frost, I'm saying that the leaves aren't going to survive a frost. When you get this kind of damage you can generally start over and catch up before the plant will recover and start growing again.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I'm not saying a plant can't survive a frost, I'm saying that the leaves aren't going to survive a frost. When you get this kind of damage you can generally start over and catch up before the plant will recover and start growing again.
and why can't they.if a plant can survive a total freeze and freezing the leafs stiff and the leafes surving then why not.