Outdoor Guerilla Grow Drip System


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow gardeners! :) Boy is it off to a hot start In upstate new york... just went out to my ladies today and they were thirsty as all hell. So i have come back to the drawing board and am trying to come up with a way to get water to my girls from a stream about 75 feet away in a drip fed system with no electricity source any advice would be appreciated
im assuming a water pump a timer and some irrigation hose is a must with some type of battery.. Thanks again in advance RIU

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
or maybe a gravety fed one? Bucket from stream to a container (wheely bin or something) and let it graverty feed down.

less noise and no pipe into the stream to give the game away?


Well-Known Member
the problem with solar is there is no all day sun next to the stream maybe 1 to 2 hours max... i had a hard enough time finding an open space for my ladies.
The gravity system is deffinetely the cheapest way to go... would i still need a pump in the reservoir to push the water to my plants? its not really a steep bank and im not building a raised platform lol