Outdoor Grow Round II - Tips/tricks welcome


Active Member

Last year from a bag seed and just potting soil, I had created a female plant. Then I couldnt tend to it and it died in the sun. Buds ruined by insects. :wall:

Today , I began scouting an area near my property that would be ideal to plant at. I have attached a picture of a basic map of the location of my plot (not giving it away duh lol). But i attached it because I was wondering if anyone can help me solve my water problem.. you see i have two cricks on both sides of the brush/trees area. Its thick brush and thorn bushes. How can I supply water to my plants in the mess of things? Will these creeks prove any useful? an irrigation system? Or will I manually need to haul in water. Its flat land so a drip system wouldn't work out I don't think.

I plan on growing 4-8 feminized seeds. I'll have to bring in good soil ( still trying to learn all the soil stuff) and a irrigation system. I might use 5g ( whats the recommended?) pots.

I was also wondering if there was any good information about maximizing sunlight to your plants. Like where to plant them and such.

Maybe the spot just aint the spot for this year.

I'll be searching for some more good spots this weekend.




Well-Known Member
hahaha lovin the picture. Yeah real pics would help. Seems ok to me as long as its not in a populated area or anything


Active Member
^ I'm artistic :P

But I don't think I can go with it.. there are houses surrounding. it would be difficult to get there if there are prying eyes.Its just hard to find a good location where I live, All cornfields and one pretty decent size town thats it.


Active Member
I hope your planning on starting your plants inside, as there is such a low success rate from seed outdoors. If it were me, and assuming you and everything you are working on can remain safely hidden, I would run a hose to whichever creek is the safest/closest. Do your best to keep the hose hidden, I have spent an hour or more snaking and burying 100ft of hose just to keep it out of sight to anyone who might be passing through. Find a water pump that you can hook up to a battery/solar panel or else get a battery powered drill and a drill powered pump. Voila! you have your water source. Either find a place where you can keep your pump hidden or if necessary backpack it in and out with you. I recommend finding somewhere you can stash a pump as I am not a big fan of drill powered pumps.
P.S. Make sure you are confident with your setup. Its never great to be too close to someones house or direct line of sight from their house. GL