Outdoor grow helpp

The Stoned Sitar

New Member
How much water do i give per plant daily or weekly or watever? lol
this is my first grow.. and im hoping for some danky dank

also how to i prevent bugs and animals and diseases and stuff? or do i even need to worry about them? i live in Tennessee on a farm so theres kind of a lot of deer n stuff but there is a dead deer skeleton like 200 feet away so i figure if humans dont like dead humans deer dont like dead deer? im guessing a coyote got him..

btw im using MG regular potting soil


Active Member
best advice is to read as much as you can on here, start in the newbie forum with the sticky's and go from there. use the search feature, all your questions have been answered many times you just have to do some reading and searching to find it. Once you have a good understanding of the basics you can ask questions when you get stuck but there's no universal manual for growing pot, learning how to read you plants is the most important thing and no one can tell you how to do that it'll just come with experience. Read, read, read, and when you think your done, re read it all again and you'll still learn shit from it that you didnt pick up at the beginning. I probably learned more from my grow books the second time I read them just because I had some background and better understood what I was reading.


Active Member
the above advice is good, you should def. do that so i wont go in depth. Uering it.se your index finger and put the tip of it in the soil up too the second knuckle. If it is dry water it. if it is not mostly dry, do not water. over watering can be just as bad as not wat


Active Member
and if ya need a number....i think ur safe using a gallon of water (during dry spells) twice a week per foot of plant...1 ft plant 1 gallon water. 2 ft plant 2 gallon of water....if its in a pot lessen the water a lil....its really pretty hard to overwater a plant directly in the outdoor ground.....and the knuckle trick is the best...stick yo finger in that dirt


Well-Known Member
If this is your first grow Do Not except too much! Delusions of Grandure are the worst. Do not worry about watering, pay attention to the weather, if it has not rained in about a solid week than water, one gallon per plant, if you are growing in the actual dirt. With containers you should be able to tell when you need to water, just pay close attention, when the dirt starts to pull away from the sides water, once you do it for a while you will be able to tell. When you go to your grow spot bring two spray bottles. One with Green Light fruit tree spray, mix according to instructions, or a little less, Not More. Two, liquid fence for repelling deer, and the such, when mixing this you can make it as strong as you need. Leave the bottles hidden out by your plants so you can give a little spray when you see them. This works great just remember to wipe down the bottles before you leave, no finger prints for Leo. If you have to water make it worth your while, add stuff to the water, tea's, ferts, etc. Oh and Do Not over visit your spot, be patient. Good Luck!:peace:


Well-Known Member
You live in an area full of bugs, bunnies and deer?

Put a chicken wire fence around your girls.

All the above LOVE young Cannabis plants.

As the plants mature, this lessens.(I think they OD on THC.)

Anyway, the best stealth growers I know use 2 inch chicken wire.