Outdoor Germinating, sexing, harvesting seasons ?


Active Member
What are the seasons for Outdoor Germinating, sexing, harvesting ? Pls don't tell in months as i m from India and we are having different season at different months..
Its middle of spring season here..and winters will start from november..
I m growing 20 sativa ( 10
days old )
when they will show sex and grow buds ?


Active Member
http://www.sunrisesunset.com/ go to this website, and look for a city near you. when it is spring is when u should plant your seeds and germinate. then they will flower late summer to early fall and should finish before winter starts
i have germinated 50seeds 15days ago and its spring season here( july to sep ) Then winter ll start from november and will end till feb, summer ll start frm march and will end in june..
I m confused cos as u said plants will flower in summer and will be ready to harvest in winters.. Here in India seasons are like spring-winter then summer.. Not like ur place.. Spring-summer then winter

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
i have germinated 50seeds 15days ago and its spring season here( july to sep ) Then winter ll start from november and will end till feb, summer ll start frm march and will end in june..
I m confused cos as u said plants will flower in summer and will be ready to harvest in winters.. Here in India seasons are like spring-winter then summer.. Not like ur place.. Spring-summer then winter
Let's try this, I'm in North America, OUR seasons: Winter is December to March....Spring is April to June....Summer is July to September....Fall or Autumn is October to December.

Winter is the COLD season.....Spring is WARMING, the start of growing season.....Summer is HOT and full growing and blooming time.....Fall is COOLING down and Harvest time.
This is four separate and distinct seasons.

Now, that is as clear as I can make it. As to YOUR seasons, "spring-winter then summer", I'm sorry, that is too convoluted for me to understand. If that is indeed your seasonal pattern, you had better inquire locally.
Wishing you, Good luck & good grow.......BB bongsmilie


Active Member
Let's try this, I'm in North America, OUR seasons: Winter is December to March....Spring is April to June....Summer is July to September....Fall or Autumn is October to December.

Winter is the COLD season.....Spring is WARMING, the start of growing season.....Summer is HOT and full growing and blooming time.....Fall is COOLING down and Harvest time.
This is four separate and distinct seasons.

Now, that is as clear as I can make it. As to YOUR seasons, "spring-winter then summer", I'm sorry, that is too convoluted for me to understand. If that is indeed your seasonal pattern, you had better inquire locally.
Wishing you, Good luck & good grow.......BB bongsmilie
our season r like this-
monsoon/spring july-sep
winters nov-feb
summer mar-june


Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
our season r like this-
monsoon/spring july-sep
winters nov-feb
summer mar-june

Well, after I googled this:>> http://www.indianchild.com/climate_india.htm

It became apparent that you have very different weather patterns on the sub-continent. You will have to get your information from someone who lives there. Surely, you can't be the ONLY person wanting to grow cannabis in your part of the world!
As I said, I doubt anyone living in the northern hemisphere would have any valid input on this, unless they had been growing there.
Good luck.......BB


Active Member
Well, after I googled this:>> http://www.indianchild.com/climate_india.htm

It became apparent that you have very different weather patterns on the sub-continent. You will have to get your information from someone who lives there. Surely, you can't be the ONLY person wanting to grow cannabis in your part of the world!
As I said, I doubt anyone living in the northern hemisphere would have any valid input on this, unless they had been growing there.
Good luck.......BB
thnx alot burger boss.. I don't knw how to rep bt will do after i got to knw.. Gonna read ur journal


Well-Known Member
Your weather seasons may be different than those in the US as my seasons are different in Costa Rica from the US. The main thing you must determine is the sun. India is in the Northern Hemisphere so your sun seasons are the same as everyone else's in the N. H., you it seems must adjust your grow for your local weather patterns. The plants are going to grow according to the sun cycle unless you are growing your plants under lights. The plants react according to the increase or decrease in the length of daylight, without the aid of lights to adjust your daylight period there is nothing you can do for your plants. They are going to grow during the increase in sunlight hours (December 21st more or less until June 21st), your plants will want to flower during the decrease in sunlight hours June 21st until December 21st. So you must adjust your grow conditions around the sun cycle. If you look at the link to my grow journals you can see how I have used lights in conjunction with the sun to be able to grow year round using the lights to add light hours to the plants until ready to flower while using the full day of sun to get all of nature's benefits for the plants. Hope that this helps your grow, Good Luck and Happy Growing


Active Member
Your weather seasons may be different than those in the US as my seasons are different in Costa Rica from the US. The main thing you must determine is the sun. India is in the Northern Hemisphere so your sun seasons are the same as everyone else's in the N. H., you it seems must adjust your grow for your local weather patterns. The plants are going to grow according to the sun cycle unless you are growing your plants under lights. The plants react according to the increase or decrease in the length of daylight, without the aid of lights to adjust your daylight period there is nothing you can do for your plants. They are going to grow during the increase in sunlight hours (December 21st more or less until June 21st), your plants will want to flower during the decrease in sunlight hours June 21st until December 21st. So you must adjust your grow conditions around the sun cycle. If you look at the link to my grow journals you can see how I have used lights in conjunction with the sun to be able to grow year round using the lights to add light hours to the plants until ready to flower while using the full day of sun to get all of nature's benefits for the plants. Hope that this helps your grow, Good Luck and Happy Growing
thnx alot for the detailed explaination.. I was thinking if i give outdoor plant 12 hrs of sunlight and then take it in a dark room for another 12 hrs.. Then will it possible to make them flower at any season?


Well-Known Member
thnx alot for the detailed explaination.. I was thinking if i give outdoor plant 12 hrs of sunlight and then take it in a dark room for another 12 hrs.. Then will it possible to make them flower at any season?
Yes you can make your girls flower during any season with this type of arrangement. During the time of year that your length of day is increasing you can flower outside by taking your plants outside either earlier or bringing them inside earlier in the afternoon. Likewise when the length of day is decreasing you simply leave the plants outside when you are ready to flower and let nature take over. If you click on the link in my signature and read a little of my grow journal there is a full explaination of the system I have used successfully now for two years. Happy Growing