outdoor flowering....


Well-Known Member
Will the plant not begin to flower outside until it gets exactly 12 hours of light or will it flower under 13? B/c in NC i was looking at a chart and its not supposed to turn to about 12 hours of light until like end of sept and thats pretty late


Active Member
Hey. I live in NC too but I've read that MJ Plants can start to flowering at 15 hours of light. Thats when they start the early flowering.


Well-Known Member
ok yea we have like 14 hours and so minutes so its not near 12/12 but has yours started to flower yet?


Active Member
Well I grow indoors and have yet to start flowering yet. How old are your plants? Also have you got any preflowers yet? I currently run my CFL lights on 24/0. I probably start flowering sometime this week when i can make a larger grow area and get another light.


Active Member
Oh. Can you add a few pictures so I can see how it's coming along? They are probably a little to young to start flowering right now anyway. Give them a few more weeks and let me know if you see


Active Member
Yeahh. I understandd. Send me a PM and let me know what part of NC you live in bro. Maybe we are close and I could visit your grow and you mines!


Well-Known Member
flowering outdoors happends before the natural light hits 12/12 outside.. by me il. we start to flower in mid-late aug.. and sometimes with more sativa doms, first few days of sept


im near texas and i am setting out 30 clones on Wednesday... i plan on harvesting when the first frost hits which hopefully will be late October to early November. i got behind schedule this year i usually put em out in late june.