Outdoor flowering need help


I'm just thinkin.. where I am the light changes to 12 hrs light 12 hours night sept 21st and the first frost is oct 5th so I'm just wondering if they start flowering much earlier because that would be rediculous if it was 12 light 12 dark to begin flowerin then Id only have 2 weeks for the full flowerin process. Lookin for any outdoor growers who know about this. Thanks


Well-Known Member
outside the plants do not require 12/12 to begin flowering. it is triggered by the days getting shorter. normally flowering starts around late july where i live. if you live in a cold climate you may be required to bring them inside at night later in the season. i usually have to.


Active Member
u can throw a blanket over them..put steaks around the plant so you don't harm it,to speed up the flowering you can cut the light to 8 hrs if you need too...a double layered trash bag works good it has to be dark...the more dark time the faster too bud ,but this can decrease your yield...


thanks a bunch guys this has taken a load of my conscience :D
I hear that cold weather turns plants and buds purple.. thats pretty cool but i also hear its caused by a lack of phosphorus is this bad for the plant? I hear a light frost can be good for the plants but a heavy frost lasting long periods will kill. I dont have the option to move mine inside as im goin guerilla :)