Outdoor camouflage


Well-Known Member
Outdoor camouflage question. I have two plants out by my garage, they are pretty close together. They are getting bigger and I wonder if a plastic trash can would cover things. I am thinking of cutting the bottom out, putting it over the two plants and leave the top off. To a casual observer, it would look like a trash can on the side of a garage. I want to wait a bit more and let them veg, I think they are about a foot or more high right now. Thoughts? Will that work? I wonder about the sunlight since it would cut the sun way down. Soon it will be September anyway and that is flowering time where I live. Or is there some better way to do this? I am not really worried that much except for the casual observer because the garage has a fence around it. I don't think anybody would walk up and peer in the top. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like shade cloth is your only option here, but without pictures it's hard to tell for sure since we can't get a good idea of what your situation looks like.

Other than that you may have to top/trim the plant until it is no longer visible.

I'm assuming you're in an illegal state if this is an issue for you? In my experience in legal states you're pretty much only going to get ripped by kids/teenagers because they're pretty much the only people that can't grow legally. It is WAY too much trouble and risk for someone to steal instead of grow their own if they're in a legal state, especially if it's a small grow of 1-2 plants. If you are in an illegal state, all I can advise is to get yourself some shade cloth around a decent part of your house including where your garage is. Make it look like the shade cloth is to help keep your house cool and not hide plants. Other than that, your only options are to attempt to LST the plant or top/cut branches off until it is no longer visible.

You may have to take a joke this time around, it is what it is. In the meantime, focus on how you will solve these security issues for your next grow. Unfortunately, even if you do manage to find a way to remove visibility the smell is still going to be an issue for you. Combine the right strain with a strong enough gust of wind and you can smell a grow from a block or two away easily.


Well-Known Member
Background - my state will be legal in 4 months. No growing though. I had some seeds left over and just threw them in the ground, kind of a "last hurrah" before the state went legal. I already sold my hps on ebay. I am out of the growing business but these two look like girls and I hate to chop them.


Active Member
Ita difficult to answer your question but basically realize the problem is being seen and you want it not visible, so the solution is move it, build some sort of wall with a fence or bamboo mats or shade cloth or deer fence, can you tell us if you have and how tall your fence is?


Well-Known Member
I think the trash can is a bad idea. It cut off the sun and airflow, it also increases temperature since it is sitting in the sun all day and humidity which means mold.
There's also the problem of the smell. I grew full outdoor and you could smell the plant 100 m away during the night (it was a monster plant but still..)
I think for outdoor the best camo is thuja plants and maybe a green net above the plants.
There's little you can do about the smell tho.