Out of retirement


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I stopped smoking with any regularity 15 years ago. I won't like I got into some very detrimental things when I was smoking, it had nothing to do with weed and more to do with a determined desire to divorce myself from everything in the world. When I hit rock bottom I stopped. During the last 15 years I toked up three times in celebration of great events.

There's some really off the wall history I can't divulge but the short if it is some people my wife and I really love decided to try marijuana for the first time. My wife in turn decided to try for the first time with them and I could not be the lone sober guy and I was the only one who really knew what he was doing, so I partook.

We got blitzed and I forgot exactly how much I really do enjoy a bowl every once in a while. :weed:

I decided to do some research and that brought me here. Damn things have changed in the last 15 years. New strains, new methods, I felt like a virgin. However I am having a damned good time so, Hi everyone.



Well-Known Member
I know exactly how you feel. I ran into the same thing after stop smoking for many years, Lots of info here. Glad to see you found this web site.