Out Of Body Experiences


Well-Known Member
Anyone else ever find themselves fully conscious floating over their own sleeping body? Its happened to me a couple times, each time I can move further away and with great speed before getting sucked back and going unconscious and waking up hours later. I know its hours later because I can read the clock in my bedroom when this happens. Its kind of like a dream , but when this happens I am fully awake, just am not in my physical body. My physical body is asleep in bed, I can see me breathing, I can see my GF sleeping next to me and the dog curled up at the foot of the bed.

Anyone know anything about this?


Well-Known Member
Can't say I know much about it, just that it has happened a few times when I was into daily meditation, same thing you describe. the only difference was just before I fall into sleep, my whole body felt dead like when your arm falls asleep and tingles.


Active Member
...My physical body is asleep in bed, I can see me breathing, I can see my GF sleeping next to me and the dog curled up at the foot of the bed...
Your mind is perfectly capable of creating the sensations you're describing, though that shouldn't take anything away from the experience. However, if your question is whether it is truly an out of body experience, the best way to find out is to have your GF write a 4-digit number on a bandaid, and slap it on your forehead. If your experience is actually happening as you describe, you should be able look at the number on the forehead of your sleeping body, and wake up and tell her the number.


Well-Known Member
Your mind is perfectly capable of creating the sensations you're describing, though that shouldn't take anything away from the experience. However, if your question is whether it is truly an out of body experience, the best way to find out is to have your GF write a 4-digit number on a bandaid, and slap it on your forehead. If your experience is actually happening as you describe, you should be able look at the number on the forehead of your sleeping body, and wake up and tell her the number.
Once this happened when I was in the Marines stationed in California. I was able to travel a distance away and went into the parking lot, the guard station there had been hit by a car and there were people fixing it.Right after I was sucked back into my body and then woke at 6:30 AM. Later that morning when I went to my car the guard shack was all boarded up, I asked the Marine On duty and he said some Drunk had run into it at 2AM.

So basically I saw something in my out of body state and then confirmed it in my physical state after it had happened.

I once had a dream that a pet had come back, but it had been gone a long time and some of its fur had become grey. 3 days later it really happened, just like in the dream.


Active Member
i've felt myself fall upward out of my body before into the dream state. it usually doesn't happen when i puff all the time though, then i usually just float around in a dream state all the time...


Active Member
There are many documented cases of such paranormal activity all across the world and through time. Some people equate these experiences to falling into alternate dimensions or as alien abductions and psychic visions. I personally have not had this particular experience. I have had several dreams that came true but where always stupid little things that where never more than simple conversations. I have read a little on this subject and what you describe is fairly common. There is no doubt that we still do not fully understand the power of the human mind.


Well-Known Member
eat about 5-7 grams of shrooms. youll have a good out of body experience.

i dont suggest this for someone that doesnt have much experience with shrooms..


Active Member
I have eaten a lot of mushrooms and LSD but never had this type of out of body experience. Although i was tripping really hard at a friends house and he had the softest carpet ever. I just remember feeling like I was walking on a cloud.
I have had similar experiences but pretty much only after insufflating a decent amount of K, which we know is a dissociative drug. I was a little, well alot scared at first but Im ok and know my boundaries with this very powerful drug. How can one love and hate a chemical so much at the same time?