Our Medical Co-op Grow Room - Legal in our State!


Active Member
BIG THANKS TO STINKBUD!!! I have been following this thread www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/116859-harvest-pound-every-three-weeks.html for a while and started implementing as per the awsome instruction.

Our medical garden is even better than before. We just completed our indoor enclosed growroom (Work in Progress - See Pics)
This is a Medicinal Marijuana Private Member Collective Garden Legal under State Law.
We have a Mother Tray, Aero/NFT StinkBud Cloner, Aero/NFT StinkBud Veg Unit - Next on the list is to build the Aero/NFT StinkBud Flower Units next!!

Our Medicinal Mother Quiver includes the following:
OG Kush
Blueberry Haze
White Widow
Sour Diesel
Afgoo x Jackberry
Pre-98 Bubba Kush
Bubba Kush
Banana Kush
LA Confidential
Chocholate Chunk

Click on the Link to See our Garden in Progress!
Marijuana Growing - galo's Album: Grow Room


Active Member
The Sunshine State of California! However, our garden will never exceed 99 plants at any given time - due to Federal Law Min. Mandatory Sentencing if you have over 100 plants or 100kg (220Lbs) of plant matter - Min. 5 year Prison Sentence.

As per our State and Local Law, we are allowed to maintain 6 mature and 12 Immature Plants per patient at our Designated Collective Garden.

Our Collective Garden is legal and up to code under local laws with our Grow Room Properly Posted in plain site that states "This is a Private Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Collective Garden" - All Members Valid Doctor Recomondations are Posted in the Collective Grow Room - we have a total of 20 Members that use our Private Collective Garden - we do not sell or make a profit from our Garden - we all contribute to the expences as needed to care for the Garden.

We will eventually have a total of 4 to 5 plants (Mature and Immature) per Patient (under the local limit of 6 Mature to 12 Immature). This is a not-for-profit Medical Marijuana Collective Garden - Legal under California Law - but still Illegal under Federal Law - With Obama as president - Hopefully he will keep his word - see http://granitestaters.com/candidates/barack_obama.html and stop Federal DEA Raids in States that have Medical Marijuana Laws.


Active Member
HUGE THANKS TO STINKBUD - AGAIN! Just wanted to update you with New Photos of our work in progress - I decided to use 4 3/4" x 4 3/4" Fence Posts instead of the 4x4 StinkBud recommended - I thought it may give a tad bit more room for the roots and the Plants to grow. Plus they were only $22 each at Lowes vs. $29 for the 4x4 at Home Depot??? Go Figure??? Anyway - take a look at my new pics and PLEASE anyone in good spirits (No Haters Please) feel free to comment or ask any questions about our StinkBud Set-up! OUR PATIENT GROUP SENDS MUCH LOVE TO YA!

When we built the first unit - you may notice in the pics - I was making the ajustments on the Fly with the new 4 3/4 size fence post - However the 2nd unit came out PERFECT! I expect the 3rd to finish just as well. We are excited to get the Walls finished with Mylar and Hopefully by next weekend we will install our 240v Outlets to help reduce the amp usage from our lights.

This is what we plan to use for lights:
Mother Tray (1) 400w MH - 18/6
Temp Stays a Steady 78 Far. Durring Light on and drops to about 70-73 Far. when lights are off.

Clone and Veg
(1) Florescent 4' with 2 Bulbs each 40w 3,000 Lumens Cool Whites and
(2) 24" Florescent with 2 Bulbs each 15w 1100 Lumens Cool Whites.
24 Hour Lights ON - Plant Temp stays about 80-83 Far. with 60-70% Humidity. I use the 24" Lights to get them as close to the smaller plants - the larger light is used at the back, as so are my taller plants.

Do you think this Lighting is Sufficient for my Mother, Clone and Veg set-up?

For the Flower Room towards the Back - a Divider will be used to black out the back part of the Room to allow a 12/12 Flower Cycle.

I plan on using either (3 or 4) 400w HPS lights for the Flower Room - That will give me approx over (w/3)150,000 - (w/4)200,000 Lumens in the Flower Room- will that be enough - the 400w HPS lamps run on 2amps each at 240volts and we figured it was safer to run (4) 400w 2amps versus having to buy more lights with Higher Watts - Please let me know your thoughts on our light set-up!

Thanks again for all you help and insight - again I welcome feedback on my growjournal from all our friends!

More Updated Pics in our Growroom Photo Album!! :peace:


Active Member
So we just did some improvements to our grow room - today we ran a dedicated 220v Line with a Pull Switch and 2 Timers (Flower 12/12 and Mother 18/6) - we wanted 220volts to bring down the amperage and $ - I will post pics - with all the work today I forgot to take pics - will tomorrow and show the improvements - we also hung our 4 - 400w HPS Lamps in our Flower Room - Im so excited and cant wait to post the pics for feedback.


Well-Known Member
Stinkbud does know his way with aeroponics. One thing though, don't plan on using the same Botanicare nutrients, they will clog up almost everything, unless you plan on cleaning every sprayer at least once or twice a week. I suggest checking out House and Garden Van De Zwaan and look at the aqua flakes and then additives, it's designed for circulation systems and is deisgned not to clog shit up. Just saying this is if you plan on running the ppms he does (2300-3000), this is after being convinced by two hydro stores worth of employees telling me that hands down that it would clog everything, unless you clean it ALL the time. I don't know about you, but not only is that a bitch, but it is probably going to damage the roots every time you have to pull the pipe with the sprayers out of the tube if you aren't extremely careful. If you were planning on going organic too and that's why you were excited to use the botanicare nutrients, so was I, but no worries cause the House and Garden nutrients are 90% organic, which is close enough. Not only that, but the nutrient line was just released from holland a year or two ago and they are one of the only nutrient companies that have their own labs that do their own research. That means they have products that other companies don't even have and work better than most to begin with because they do all their own testing. The nutrients are actually so good the damn guy who made them had legal rights on them for years and wouldn't let anyone sell them but him. Heh, the guy created a monopoly on his nutrient line because he wouldn't sell products that other companies don't have and yet want. For example, Top Booster, one of their flowering stimulants, basically tells the plant it is dying about 4 weeks into flowering and the plant in turn goes crazy trying to produce flowers before it dies. Sorry, don't mean to be ranting or raving, just trying to help you out cause I am relatively doing the same setup. All in all just know that with areoponics you have to clean everything at least once a week or else your chances of getting root rot go sky high as well as your chances for stuff getting clogged and not working as well. The thing is that the House and Garden Van De Zwaan nutrients are just more suited for the system than botanicare's nutrients are, especially at 2900 ppm's.

If you want to check out the nutrients in action I'm currently using them myself and they are working like magic, nothing has gotten clogged at all. Hope this helps with choosing your nutrients. Not saying you should buy H&G's nutrients over everything else, it's up to you, I'm just saying to watch out for Botanicare's stuff when it comes to aeroponics. Good luck with everything guys, ttyl.



Active Member
Thanks for the Heads up - Right now - I run a much lower PPM than what was recommended - My mothers and veg both run about 1500ppm - when I do my flowers I will prob go no higher than 2000 - 2200 - so far no probs yet with my mother and veg sprayers getting clogged but I will read up on what you mentioned - good to know and thanks for looking out - we appreciate your help! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Heads up - Right now - I run a much lower PPM than what was recommended - My mothers and veg both run about 1500ppm - when I do my flowers I will prob go no higher than 2000 - 2200 - so far no probs yet with my mother and veg sprayers getting clogged but I will read up on what you mentioned - good to know and thanks for looking out - we appreciate your help! :peace:
No problem, good luck with everything! I will definitely keep my eye on this journal, your setup is legit. :) ttyl


Well-Known Member
That is awesome! I have just seen the grow pics too, well done. It is a work of art and wow a credit to stinkbud and his thread. It;s like looking at a stinkbud museum, lol. Damn you guys should be proud. cg and gl.


Active Member
Got Pictures Today:
What we did:
Installed 240v Lines with a 20 Fuse Pull Switch for )easy/safe access.
Converted all our MH lights from 110 to 240 to save $ - 4amps to 2amps
Installed (2) 240v Electric Timers - Flower Room 12/12 - Mother Tray 18/6
Installed (5) 400w MH Lights and Ballasts - 4 for Flower Room, 1 Mother

Now we need to install the divider that will separate the Flower room from the Veg room.

My poor babies have been doing well through the contruction dust and movement. I hope they continue to do as well. :peace:

See More Pics :leaf:Click Here to view our Marijuana Grow Room :leaf:


Active Member
Today we installed the Flower Room/Veg Room Separator - we used the idea that we aquired from "Mr. Greens I Grow Cronic" Click Here to View. We initially started with his system an as we progressed I adapted his ideas but still gained alot of info from Mr. Green - Plus his video is fun to watch and learn. This video is what gave me the Idea to use Velcro And Plastic to Separate Our Grow Rooms. If you watch his video you will notice some similaritys in our Mother Tray Set-Up! :hump:



Active Member
Updates of our Mothers in Motion - Last Wednesday we decided to Tie Down a Mother Plant - We decided to try a test run with our G-13 - she took the Bend Very Well and is growing stronger than before. I released the Tie 3 days later and she is still naturally reacting to the Bend. We decided to do it to some others so today we tied down - Ice, Blueberry Haze, Pre-98 Bubba and One White Widow Limb of 3. :peace: Below are pics of the G-13, 5 days after the bend - shows it is responding to it very well, with longer lower stems growing from the side and bottom!


Active Member
Here are pics of our Blackberry Haze - first day of the Bend Tie Down - we will post progressive pics in a few days. :peace:


Active Member
Here are pics of our White Widow - first day of bending for only one branch - we will keep u posted for progress. We are hoping all the little stuff will grow just like the G-13 did! :peace:


Active Member
OG Kush - took very well to our topping a two weeks ago - it seems unstoppable - we are getting plenty clones from these Momma's :peace:


Active Member
Our OG Kush Clone Collection - doin well - we gathered these over the last 2 weeks - just added 2 more clones today!