Osama Bin Laden Dead...

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Anyone making the following statement, really needs to "get up close & personal" to said "process", you know.....Actually experience it....

"We should not condone torture or use it. However, water boarding is not torture.

I'm thinking they just might be reevaluating their definition of "Torture"...........LOL...............................BB

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
We all know that it was the Navy SEALS that got OBL. And these folks watched:


BUT, no one knew who they REALLY are....until now:

Yes folks, NOW YOU KNOW!.............LOL.................BB

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
You ruined my mental image of Wonder Woman for life, Thanks alot asshole.
LOL, Well I'm sorry if I "tilted up" your "comic book world".........Take thee a Great Bong Load and get over it!
And besides, "It is, what it IS!...............i know I've heard that somewhere..........hmmm...yeah...it is what it is.......BB

BTW: THIS is an ASSHOLE! asshole.jpg


Well-Known Member
It was a joke dude, LOL Wonder Woman was played by this here gal,

But you turned her into this here gal..

Lighten up a bit.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
It was a joke dude, LOL Wonder Woman was played by this here gal,

But you turned her into this here gal..

Lighten up a bit.
OMG! ok, OK...I get the point.........No contest...........at least with what YOU have presented, but................(a great big)............HOWEVER..........
HERE'S your "Wonder Woman" TODAY!:lynda-carter.jpg
"Thank God for Air Brushing".........LC

Lookin' kinda like it's a "toss-up" NOW..............ROFLMAO...........BB


Well-Known Member
Well you found a BAD pic of her, this one is from February of 2011....
she is still pretty hot..

With clinton you don't have to look for a BAD picture, theya re all bad, she doesn't look good EVER! Why do you think most people just forgave Bill Clinton for his extracurricularwinski activities? We all knew what he had to suffer with at home. look at her fat ass......

I looked for an hour to find a pic where Hillary would look good enough to a goat herder stuck in the Himalayas after 20 years, but this was the best I could find


Well-Known Member
- God
Wow! Now that the Kingpin of Evil has been eliminated by the white knights world police of the Holy Western Land, does that mean that the easter rabbit can finally emerge from his sandy butthole in Iraqfagistan? IMO, Santa Clause be praised in the glorious conquest of the oil fields of Earth, and the placement of private government agenda on the heads of a few bad towel-wearing terrorists. I am not thinking about party, when this farse just doesn't amount to a real good result. 5000+ dead, and still fucking fighting like Vietnam Pt2, and now Osama is dead? Whoopty whoop whoop


Active Member
Omg americans wake up LOL bin laden was dead in 2001 from kidney failure and they used him to create war because he couldent object to it the videos after 2001 was staged realize ur country is ruled by a puppet and u urself are all puppets if u belive america wants to help u haha were all fucked realize that