Organic Top Dressings ?


Well-Known Member
Just curious if anyone here knows of a good organic top dressing ?

I want to use something in conjunction with teas....

I was thinking of using Growilla is the link but I am not sure if the salts would negate the teas...It says's it natural and organic...Just wanted to be sure it was ok....

I was considering using the Growilla Bud not the Vegg since it is just about flowering time here.



Well-Known Member
I should have said that the top dressing will be my main fert for flowering....soil has worm castings and Epsoma Garden Tone in it.

And, I also plan on brewing some teas possibly.

I can't get to the plants everyday....Maybe once a week or every two weeks.


Well-Known Member
Mulch heavily with leaves and grass clippings. Add some 'red wigglers' after watering deeply, if they aren't already present. Those worms will turn the mulch into fertilizer in a few weeks. Mulch at least 6 inches thick for water retention and to cool the soil. You can spend yourself into poverty while throwing away gold.


Well-Known Member
Well here's all the stuff in that growilla.....

Langbeinite, Fish bone meal, Alfalfa meal, Oyster shell, Earthworm castings, Bat guano, Feather meal, Volcanic ash, Seabird guano, Kelp meal

If I was to make my own, how much would I put of each thing in the mix ?


Well-Known Member
wow cant go wrong w all that good stuff in there! that d be a good base for your teas too.
Cool....maybe I'll just make my own then.....

Wonder if chopping it up in a food processor might help the mixture release it's goodies more efficiently as a top dressing ?


Well-Known Member
I would top dress in conjunction with teas, unless it is a worm casting bacteria tea and not a nutrient tea. Top dressing works great. I will probably top dress with kelp meal in flowering if I can get ahold of some soon. I use nutrient teas with guanos during flowering mostly, and some alfalfa/seaweed extract/ewc teas in veg. Works great. I only use blood and bone meal and homemade compost mixed into kelloggs patio plus and native clay. Mulch with potting soil/ewc/compost. Plants love the stuff. I like to keep things simple though. Ewc, blood, bone, and kelp meal can take you a long ways. Inoculate with a ewc tea and they will blow up in that basic mix.


Well-Known Member
I would stay away from anything from botanicare.

Top dress is best with small amounts of any of those ingredients. Theres no secret recipe like gorrila bud claims to have. Use logic, keep it simple.

Mulch, cover crops, couple pinches of kelp, couple of inches of worm casting is more then enough.