Organic Soil

Hi this is my first grow. I live in south florida and I purchased feminized Hawaii Maui Waui seeds and feminized Kaya gold seeds from Nirvana. Since I am a first time grower I didn't want anything too advanced and I read these two strains are very hardy and resistent to disease. The only thing I am missing is good organic soil. I know growers mix their soil with certain things such as peat moss and nutrients but which soil should I purchase before doing these things? By the way I'm growing outdoors


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forest is pretty good, I think its usually $20-25 per 1.5cubic foot bag though. All organic and with some micro buggers added to help the root system. The best advice I can give anyone growing in soil is to buy some 'Mykos' this shit is amazing helps your plants to last twice as long on the same soil as without any mykos (they add extensions to roots and increase reach of plant a ton) they can eat way more easily so they grow a lot faster