organic soil mix


ive decided to post my soil mix up...if any1 would like to comment or give me any ideas it would be nice

2 bags of pro-mix bx
20 ozs of blood meal
20 ozs of bat guano
20 ozs of bone meal
20 ozs of kelp meal
3 tbs of epsom salts
4 tbs of dolomite lime

And i have liquid seaweed concentrate that i was planning on using for trace elements. I was gonna use it every second watering. If this isnt good enough does anyone have any ideas? I cant find any azomite or humic acid where i live so if anyone knows anything else i can use for that stuff give me some idea's


Well-Known Member
What size are the bags?

Looks like you need more lime. 2tbl/gallon of mix, or 1 cup/cf of mix.



each bag has 79l....2.8cuft.....i took subcools super soil and divided his revised 2010 mix 4...he starts off with 8 bags im using 2 and that the amount of lime its gives mee. ill prob go bi what you jus gave me