Organic Privacy.....


Well-Known Member
Hello all.... Yesterday I read an article, about how Google & Yahoo are starting to use what they call " regional information demographics " also known as snooping on peoples searches.
It seems they are begining to keep a tally of keywords used when you search, with a state by state boxing of those results. So for example, you put in the word Bat Guano and hit search on Google or Yahoo - up comes all the pages they find and click goes their info counter along with a mark for which state it came from.
Privacy violated. They claim this is so they can better tailor their search engine to help you find more of what you want. Yeah...Right...
Since, I have always distrusted the government, and for good reasons. I went looking for an independant search engine - that keeps NO stats of any kind. I found one that allows searches, keeps no stats and does not like the government. It meets all my criteria for a decent place to search.
It's called Cuil It's now my default search engine, in Internet Explorer.
Here is a hotlink :

I recommend it for all your Organic needs - Google & Yahoo (are now sell outs in my book) beware of their more personal experience (aka - info gathering - big brother - 1984 BS )
OK, I'm climbing off the soapbox now. Just thought others should know, what the score was. I know this thread is not all that Organic...but I am.
Keep it Real.... Private.....