Organic/Chemical Nutrient Question


Active Member
Can Organic AND chemical nuitrients be used in conjuntion with one another? I have at my disposal, worm castings, bat guana (bloom) egg shells, coffee grounds, epsom salt, and mollases on the organic side, and MaxiGro and MaxiBloom on the chemical side. Any good mixture recipes/ideas?Also, when I transplant my seedling into a the new 5 gal. medium, should i wain another couple of weeks before fertilizing? As of now I have not used any and I'm on day 5 of life. I am currently using pre-mixed store bought potting soil and tap water left to sit for 36 hours. Thanks

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
The chemical nutes will kill the bacteria that breaks down the organic stuff. Basically cancel out the organic stuff. Use one or the other not both. :)