Organic BagSeed


Active Member
Sometimes i hike through the woods, to my 4 wheelers, i ride through the woods, i come to a river, i cross it by foot, i then ride a horse and run N2 a Rasta, the Rasta showed me this Beautiful plant, :weed: a Sacrement for Spiritual purposes, what do you think about it ?
" Rastafari.......oneLove "



Active Member
Thanks....dont know the strain...nice AZ seed...But grown 100% you know if distilled water PH drops when you add nutrients or does it stay neutral?
Only feeding distilled water. FFOF Soil....would like to feed Ja. Bat Gauno, Perv. SB Gauno, Blackstrap Molasses in couple more weeks...Appreciate any info!


Active Member
Thanks.....Grown with CFL,s...4 26watt daylight under 2 42 watt red spectrum & 1 26 watt all color you think thats enough until harvest....


Active Member
:peace:....Thanks....What Organics you use:?:....Organic Smokes the Best:weed:....burns nice....Clean....But its Organic:leaf:
There's a difference in the herb grown organically & chemically from my herbal exsperiences:bigjoint:
:peace:....Hairs keep growing and Trich's Looking more frosty everyday:clap:.... would like to go into 72 hrs darkness, but might give it another water, 4 - 7 more days more days....Hairs 90% Brown- 10% white(new Growth)....Trich's ( 20% clear, 60% cloudy, 20% Amber )....Positive Growing !


Well-Known Member
One love dazzz funny cause daz sounds excatly like wat i do and i might just be da rastfari u got dat from hahaha