Organic AF GWS, AK47, WD/ 400hps Stealth cabinet grow


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by guys!! i have a negative update to give i cut off a bud from the gws and found a seed in it!!! i went crazy took all my plants out and strip searched them for ballz i didnt find any!!! one of my bitches must have turned hermie!! i pray thats its essence so i dont pollinate the other females as i will be cutting her down soon!! one thing im happy of is that i have taken the fans out for some 4-5 weeks now and i have used a special wire to lst them and hold up the budz so if there was any pollen i dont think it has gone around in the room thats why i hope its only on essence!! when i said lst i mean i take the wire and tie it around to help all branches get close to the light i dont remember the exact name of this training u just help all branches get together and closer to the lamp!! il update pics tonight....


Well-Known Member
Your supposed to LST the branches down to keep your buds at the same low level and spread out so they grow the same. I think you might have something confused.

Most likely the plant with the seeds pollinate itself. Look for busted open bananas. Also it doesn't take much to pollinate your plants. If you live in an area where there may be a male plant outdoors the pollen can stick to you and get circulated in your growing environment.

These are the banana (hermi) parts I removed from my buds before they busted.

I harvested this one plant 4 weeks early because of it, here is the premature top...


Well-Known Member
They look like a mag deficiency.

Tell me about your water? I have those show up when I run too much tap water in my systems or if I use my RO water and don't add Cal-Mag.

Have you looked at the sick plant guide?


Well-Known Member
Hey! Lookin very nice except the brown spots! But dont worry it only looks like a nute burn. Ease up abit on your nutes and I think it will be fine!


Well-Known Member
Mineral water has too much minerals added and is causing your lock out.

Use RO water or distilled water. Even tap water would be better than mineral water.


Well-Known Member
so what should i do besides changing water?? but why would my water only create a lockout on my White dwarfs i mean the other three have been fine!! should i go buy cal mag and apply?? i read the guide i have some characteristics of mag deficiency but it doesnt look so because i dont have yellowing turning brown i only have brown spots its like a rusty color and its little dots all over the leafs which grow and spread... it looks abit as a ph fluctuation prob but it doesnt fully fit the description in that either so im kinda lost....


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure it is calcium def Here is a Solution to fixing a Calcium deficiency.To fix a calcium deficiency you can treat by foliar feeding with one teaspoon of dolomite lime or Garden lime per quart of water, Or Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have Calcium in them will fix a Calcium deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients or it will cause nutrient burn!)
Or you can take crushed up dolomite lime or garden lime in a gallon of water and water it in the soil. 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon of water, which will be slow acting. Garden Gypsum, which is medium absorption. Limestone, which is medium absorption, Rock Phosphate and Animal wastes which are both medium/slow absorption. Note: Caution when using gypsum to an already acid soil (pH that is less than 5.5) can have a very bad effect on different types of plants by effecting the absorption of soil aluminum, which is poison to plant roots.Hope this helps got to love it


Well-Known Member
so what should i do besides changing water?? but why would my water only create a lockout on my White dwarfs i mean the other three have been fine!! should i go buy cal mag and apply?? i read the guide i have some characteristics of mag deficiency but it doesnt look so because i dont have yellowing turning brown i only have brown spots its like a rusty color and its little dots all over the leafs which grow and spread... it looks abit as a ph fluctuation prob but it doesnt fully fit the description in that either so im kinda lost....
Think of your roots as water pumps, water pumps for the ocean are more resilient to the sea salts. Some plants work great in low PPM environments and others work great in high PPM environments. I believe it has to do with your genetics and your trying to use a fresh water pump in the salt water. I have many plants that hate anything over 1000PPM and others that love to be over 1500PPM. I see those spots when I use my 450PPM tap water and add nutes because it bumps the level up enough to lock out the plants that only want 1000PPM solution. Your salt is clogging the pumps. Mineral water is like water from the dead sea to your plants, way too much salt.

Change the water to clean RO or distilled water pH'd to 6.0 for a week (if they don't improve keep on the pure water regimen until they look like they need fertilizer) and then start easing back into the nutes. Otherwise the problem will continue. If you use RO or distilled be sure to pick up some Cal-Mag. You can also use tap water pH adjusted to 6.0 and not use Cal-Mag if your tap water is around 200PPM and not sent through a water softener. Water softeners replace calcium with salt.bongsmilie

Your in soil so it is going to take time to correct a toxicity issue. Be sure you correct the problem now before you add more nutes on top of the problem making the situation worse. If it comes down to it continue to give them clean pure water and foliar feed lightly. You can burn them easier with a foliar feed.

Hope this helps!

Also, smoking around your plants is a big no-no! Not trying to jump on your case but the carbon monoxide does bad things to your plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys!!!here are some more pics didnt have time to buy calmag today but i will tomorrow im treating it as cal mag def!! dub iv been smoking around my plants but il stop it has a good outake fan though for the space more like overkill!! anyways... i also put in the last pic the sweeeeeeet news:joint: almost there.....



Well-Known Member
so from what i have gathered my soils ph must have gone around 5.5 if i water with a water that has a ph of 7 will this not help?? i dont have any kind of ph meters cause i thought that since evrything was measured out from the beggining i wouldnt need any! but i guess the guanos changed the soils ph... anyways my white dwarfs are two weeks from harvest so fucking them up now would be sad......


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys!!!here are some more pics didnt have time to buy calmag today but i will tomorrow im treating it as cal mag def!! dub iv been smoking around my plants but il stop it has a good outake fan though for the space more like overkill!! anyways... i also put in the last pic the sweeeeeeet news:joint: almost there.....
If you apply Cal-Mag, be sure it is used in RO water or distilled water only or you will be doing the same thing your mineral water is doing.


Well-Known Member
so from what i have gathered my soils ph must have gone around 5.5 if i water with a water that has a ph of 7 will this not help?? i dont have any kind of ph meters cause i thought that since evrything was measured out from the beggining i wouldnt need any! but i guess the guanos changed the soils ph... anyways my white dwarfs are two weeks from harvest so fucking them up now would be sad......
I recommend buying a pH meter and measuring your run off to be sure. Then flush it with as much pure 7.0 water as you can then feed it pure water for a week. The problem is it is hard to digest the nutrients from the soil quickly so the process will take time.


Well-Known Member
I actually was just having the same thing happen to me, and it did turn out to be cal. def. at first. When id got the cal-mag and foiliar fed em, nothin changed so I checked the ph of my soil via the runoff after watering(the first few drops are the most accurate when doing this) and go figure, ph was around 5! I flushed with 6.5ph distilled water so hopeflly they're back on track again. Dubbs right on the money in his post, all plants are different, and will react differently in certain situations. Practice makes perfect, and ur only adding to ur future arsenal of tools for use in the future...


Well-Known Member
guys im getting confused on what i should do with all this info which i certainly appreciate!!! so i should go buy cal mag today and apply it with distilled water is this correct?? or should i just use a water with a ph of 7 raise my soils ph and help break the nute lock out?? thanks guys