Oregon medical card??


Well-Known Member
what part of oregon are u in? ive heard its a little difficult and only a few doctors will prescribe. just what i heard. im not an oregon resident but live and grow in oregon. i wanna becoe a resident so i can grow for people with illnesses


Well-Known Member
right on, from what I under stand its not hard; and you just need to know the right people. I am just wondering who those people are.


Well-Known Member
It's not hard at all actually.

Contact Voter Power, Mama's, Oregon Green Free, many places like that will lead you start to finish including having their own doctors who aren't chicken shit about pot.

Google them...

All you need is a qualifying condition, one of which is chronic pain. Who doesn't have chronic pain somewhere in some form, really...


Active Member
Basically, the easiest way is you have to establish a medical history of chronic pain. Go see a doctor, any doctor, about something that gives you chronic pain. If it's bad enough that it keeps you from sleeping at night, it helps. Let them prescribe you the vicodn or whatever. See if that helps your pain. If it doesn't, go back for another visit with that doctor, and get something else. Now you have established a medical history of chronic pain over probably about a month, ideally.

Now you can go to the pot doctor, at a MAMA clinic, http://www.mamas.org/Clinics.htm with your ALREADY DIAGNOSED condition (that is a prerequisite) and they will ask you questions, like "Do you think Medical Marijuana will help you with your chronic pain?" or something to that effect, you say yes, they give you paperwork, you send off for your card with some $$ (not sure of amount) and walla, you can smoke, grow, and transport.

Hope this helps!


Active Member
Damn.... Is there an age requirement to get one of these?

I wanna go get me one. But i live in damn GA, where 75% of the weed is shit. At least im kinda near the ATL...


Well-Known Member
I was asking if you worked there because I was thinking of doing some volunteer work for one of the organizations but not sure who might benefit or really need any more help.

Would have just saved me making a few calls is all, no biggie. But my main question I can't ask on the phone without sounding like a tard.

I want to volunteer somewhere where there would be cute stoner girls in person. At least on occasion. :)


Well-Known Member
SteveO there is an age restriction on this board. What you meant was so your son could get a card. RIGHT? ;)

Your dad might notice this is an oregon card... and georgia is pretty far away.

I know it's far away fo sho because I had basic training at Fort Gordon and took a bus both ways.


Well-Known Member
I was asking if you worked there because I was thinking of doing some volunteer work for one of the organizations but not sure who might benefit or really need any more help.

Would have just saved me making a few calls is all, no biggie. But my main question I can't ask on the phone without sounding like a tard.

I want to volunteer somewhere where there would be cute stoner girls in person. At least on occasion. :)
lol, well go down to Eugene i am shure you will find what you are after, it has been sometime that i have been there myself. And you can always call thcf or Norml here to see if they need any volunteers, I cant garantee any young cute stoner girls. :joint:


Active Member
SteveO there is an age restriction on this board. What you meant was so your son could get a card. RIGHT? ;)

Your dad might notice this is an oregon card... and georgia is pretty far away.

I know it's far away fo sho because I had basic training at Fort Gordon and took a bus both ways.

Ohh. Yeah my SON. Sorry for making it sound like me. ;)
He just wants to know how old he has to be to get a card.
