Orange Bud Vs. Top 44 Bubbleponics. It's a RACE!

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
lookin good, Ive trimmed all my down alot to get those secondary growths some light. get some pics up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I also have the 6 stealth bubbleponics system. Got it a few days ago. Started growing my ALASKAN ICE which is a White Widow X Haze from Green House seeds. Is said to be one of the strongest strains in the world. Well anyway I germinated out of the system and put them in and just waiting for them to sprout. How long did it take your seeds to sprout?

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
I also have the 6 stealth bubbleponics system. Got it a few days ago. Started growing my ALASKAN ICE which is a White Widow X Haze from Green House seeds. Is said to be one of the strongest strains in the world. Well anyway I germinated out of the system and put them in and just waiting for them to sprout. How long did it take your seeds to sprout?
I germinated mine in a moist paper towel for about 4 or 5 days.Then i planted them in soil. I saw green coming up on the second day and I had full sprouts with two big leaves by the 5th day, then I finally got the SH setup and tossed them in that and they just blew up...


Well-Known Member
Here are pics of my girls on day 25 of growth. I moved them to the buckets on day 22. The first pic is day 22 in the bucket. The next is the same plant 3 days later. Unbelievable growth in the buckets!!! Buckets forever!!! 600w HPS delivers tomorrow.


gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
i tied all of mine down so they get bushier and not taller, also trimed most of the leaves to get light to the secondary growths.

Longhorn, yours are gettin real big...much bigger than mine, but I read about the top 44 strain that it is a low growing plant. 4 of 5 of mine are very healthy. One of em has some issues.

Ill get some pics up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Gr33n--you are right, I read the same thing about your strain...I got my 600 today, that thing puts out monster heat...I am going to work on the cabinet tomorrow. The girls love the buckets...going nuts!!!

Raider--I am so glad you jumped on here. Love to see the pics....they are awesome! I can't wait to smoke this!!!! Were yours real bushy like mine?? You are right the citrus skunk smells so good. I had to open the door on the cabinet tonight cause the new 600 I got puts off major heat, so the room smells like a skunk eating an orange..;-)

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
fixed the pH problem. for some reason after adding the fox farm grow big nutes, the pH level went down to 6.8-7.2. I bought some pH down to help also...

hopefully start the 12/12 flowering within the next 2 weeks...


Well-Known Member
very citric taII and bushy , but dont fret , fiIIs in niceIy.wiII be a heavy weights in two more weeks, those are 4ft. taII , Iots of pot growin aII over , cIip off reaI Iow branches that are to far from Iite (note)the top 2 and a haf feet is wher the action is ,nuthin Iower than that, to aII its energy in the top, its a stretcher, gonna need bamboo stakes, start fIowering at 6 to 8 inches , it wiII be 3 to 4 ft. fini . do you not have air cooIed equip. , if not keep a fan bIowing on that Iite not the PIants , try to keep that temp no more than 80, no Iess than 70.heat wiII be your enemy.Gd. Iuk....Aiso i'm here in red raider territory, but i've aIways been Texas Ionghorn fan 30 yrs, gd, Iet you know you got a brother here,haha:blsmoke: just read where you growed it before , ok.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have major ventilation in there, just had to hook the hoses up . The cabinet has never ran over 83. I have a portable a/c to use when it is necessary. With the cooling going right now I am at 69 to 71...all good!!! Hey I root for the Raiders when they are not playing Texas.

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
hey, you ever get like little white bits floating in the water? I just changed out the water yesterday and theres little white bits all in it mostly near the roots...and the water is pretty foggy....


Well-Known Member
Nice grow guys, I have been watching from the beginning.

Longhorn....... where did you find the camo buckets ??? That is a great idea to get camo or dark buckets, I bet the camo really cuts out on the light entering the buckets.


Well-Known Member
Gotta give +rep to both yall guys, I've gained alot of info just keeping up with both yalls race/grows. Keep up the good work and the pics and updates, they help out all the newbies like me.

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
i got some shit to do today, but i will definatly get a lot of pics up for you guys...Ill get more detailed ones up....stay posted.....