Opinion on this system vs stealhs 12 bucket ebb system

i have never seen a system with that many buckets with anything bigger,if I would like 5 gallon buckets but never seen one?
Well the only thing I am not sure about is that top piece that connects all of the hoses. Other than that pice it really just looks like buckets, netpots, a timer, a water pump for the main res, and the piping to send the water up and out of the res where that spider device takes over. Everything there looks pretty readily available and cheap. I have never used a drip system so I don't really know what that top piece is called, but I can't see that being too expensive either. So while no, I don't have plans to build it, it looks very cheap to assemble all of the needed parts, and I could then probably figure out how it all goes together from there. But I definitely would not purchase that for $250 knowing I could build it for way less.


Well-Known Member
are you kidding me a 2 gal res.for 12 plants wtf the need to swich out that bucket fro a 20+ gallon tote. but still you could build that fro about 20 bones


Well-Known Member
thats a recirculating DWC system, just maintain that 2 gallon bucket, all those buckets should be full of water, so a top off every other day would do, but you can build a better system for half , if your handy you can PM me and i will send you plans


Well-Known Member
That piece you are looking for is a outlet flange for a swamp cooler or something close to it.
We use them in aero pods.