ooops plant to tall !!, can i bend a flowering plant over?


Active Member
i have a bagseed indica who has almost outgrown her grow box
(box is 36" and plant is 33")
im coming up on my 3rd week of flower, is it a bad idea to try to bent the main cola sideways and alow it to grow around the top of the grow box ?

this will not interfere with my light setup but i dont want it to grow up to the lights.

iso any advise here



Well-Known Member
Absolutely. Its always best to start bending a few hours after watering. Just slowly bend it over, make sure not to kink or break the stalk and it will be fine, might take a day or 2 of bending to get it where you want but she will go.

Try searching "supercropping" some people will actually bend flowering plants on purpose just to get larger yields.

Good luck